• sometimes at least once a day!
  • often, but always too late to avoid the massive depression that is lurking waiting to devour me
  • at least twice today. ONce getting off work working a job which is 14 hrs a day at WAY less than minimum wage. Most people get $10 here ffor a position like this for up to 8 hours a day and I am accepting $5.00 for 14 hours day plus I have to provide my own food. I desperately needed the money but really "what is the point". When I came home this morning to a dog that had not any attention in 15 hours and I got no sleep at all last night..what is the point? Thanks. I feel better.
  • i find myself asking that almost daily.
  • Every single second the voice in my head is saying things to that effect. He is clearly a pessimistic little guy.

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