There are many!They all are attractive! For your question ,it's my wife!
It will be you at that wedding this weekend. Just don't outshine the bride to much!lol!
its my MOTHER!
You want me to put me in trouble with my wife? I proclaim for all those interested that It Is Indeed My Wife that I consider the Most Attractive Woman I have ever known.
no question here --- my wife of thirty years, and daughter of 24 ---- i am one lucky husband and father
A friend I have known since I was 18. She looks like a cross between Catherine Denerve (spelt it wrong) and Bridget Bardot. She is older now and still very beautiful.
The one who always cared for me.
my friend jessica, she's very beautiful and has a great personality to go with it.
My sister
Radha from the Radha-Krishna duo.Sure, I know her from Goloka!
The most attractive female I ever knew/met was a friend of mine in junior college. She was drop-dead gorgeous, both inside and out..a real knockout. She would get embarrassed all the time about the attention her beauty brought.. she was very uncomfortable, very modest and one of the sweetest, nicest people I've ever known....also one of the smartest as well! :)
Without a doubt it is my wife. We have children over 50 and when we go places people think that she is their sister (you know how happy that makes them) and most people would guess her to be about 45. She is stunning to look at and has the nicest personality. Her motto is to try and treat every person as if they were her parents whom she loves very much.
Why it's you YCLYHO, of course!!!
My friends Daughter. She has long dark hair brilliant blue eyes, Is just under six feet tall,slim and walks like a model. Has beautiful skin that tans easily wears very little makeup just around her eyes and is totally unaware of how lovely she is
Sheena Easton
i would say Caherine Zeta Jones
I would say this girl I work with her name is Amber... she has that natural beauty!!!
My gf of 5 years.
Without any doubt whatsoever -- my beautiful wife of 8 years. Second to her, maybe Angelina Jolie.
Its either between Kim Kardashian or Jessica alba. There both really attractive. :D
Me, silly!
Either my cousin's girlfriend, or my best friend from high school.
There was a girl in my boarding school from high school. I can't remember her name. She had long black hair and fair skin. I really wanted to look like her.
I would have said Halle Berry, but then i had to go to the bathroom and saw this really really beautiful woman in the mirror...
It would be my cousin
My best friend Natasha.
my woman, partner and best friend
My girlfriend... *turns head towards the bed* Because otherwise she'd kill me in my sleep...
A friend. She's more of a friend of a friend, but her and I get along very well. She has the best hair, makeup, clothes. She's kind of punk/retro.. very original
That I know personally? My friend Nichole, one of the coolest too (I'm glad I'm not dating anyone right now so I can be honest, haha)
I would have to say ME!
Bob Hoskins.
my girlfriend....what did you expect me to say!
inside or on the outside?
My best friend Annie, she's gorgeous but doesn't realise it. She's the brunette.
Apart from Angelina, your avatar wouldn't put you too far behind.
My mother .. she's an angel
It's a secret to everybody.
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