• Arent his senses better than an average person but cant fly or run really really fast or be invisible, so just a guy in a suit?
  • Just a guy in a suit with a cool car.
  • He seems to be just an above average guy in a bat suit.
  • His power is not super-human, however he has a very sharp mind.
  • I have been away from Gotham City much too long, and Batman's causes have suffered greatly, due to his obsession with AB. I am sorry but I am going back to Gotham City and to my former pursuits to help people. Good luck AB'ers. Batman
  • Nope, he's just smart and knows how to fight well.
  • IMO an awesome belt with everything you could possibly think of is enough to be a superhero
  • He has money power.
  • 'Ordinary' Millionaire playboy with lots of technological gadgets, excellent detective skills and about 15 martial arts under his belt, as well as having studied under some of the worlds greatest assassins and bounty hunters. No super powers whatsoever. Pretty poor housekeeping skills and average computer skills.
  • None of his abilities are actually super-human, though his willpower and determination comes close. He is smart, strong, and agile, but not beyond human limits. So basically he's just a guy in a suit.
  • LOL Batman Is just some guy in a bat suit... no powers..Just a ton of money an a company that will build what ever gadget his heart desires...must be nice
  • He's a super-rich, super-spy with no super-powers. Just a batsuit and an awesome ride.
  • Unlike most superheroes, he does not possess superhuman powers or abilities; he makes use of intellect, detective skills, science and technology, wealth, physical prowess, and intimidation in his war on crime. Maybe Mike Bloomberg is our modern day Batman?
  • Just some rich eccentric guy who likes to dress in tights with his nephew, and has a bat fetish.
  • You mean Batman exists...........?
  • Batman's only superpowers are not actually super but more along the lines of his wits, because of how well educated he is and his street smarts. His wealth plays a big role too. He is able to afford the bat car, jet, belt, etc. Now what he really relies on besides just wits and wealth is his knowledge of the martial arts, which so many people seem to overlook that.
  • ok people here it is. batman has powers.. he is smart.. (right now ur thinking wat the heck is this person thinking) but its true.. batman must think out everything he must do. its not like he can just go in a shoot-out like superman. Batman is also stronger (as in human muscle) {its not like superman has huge muscles he just has the strength} batman trained as a ninja and then decided to be a sybolized character. And to all the people who think batman is great only because he has money ur wrong. if bruce wane couldnt just buy the gadget he would just have to make his own.

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