• i feel bad for them that they felt they had to end their life. i don't look down on them
  • Yes b/c killing yourself doesn't fix a damn thing except make you look even weaker.
  • Its not in me to look down on people who choose to go that way. All I could ever say to that is that I understand.
  • No I am not GOD the judge. However I do get sad cause suicide is so slefish!
  • Anyone who commits or tries to commit suicide is just selfish.
  • No, I do not.
  • No I don't its usually what they see as a last resort to their problems!
  • No I do not. Regardless of the whys and wherefores, suicide is a desperate act. To have reached the stage of needing to commit suicide, there must have been no other way out which was obvious to the person who commits it. I do not look down on those who have succeeded or even attempt suicide - I just feel so very sad for them, that they believed, rightly or wrongly, that this was the only course of action open to them. It is very sad.
  • No. It is their life to with as they see fit and it is not up to me to be their judge. "judge not lest ye be judged" is always my favorite quote in situations like this.
  • No. That's their choice. I do look down on them sometimes depending on their reason for doing so though. (ie. friend in high school who "tried" to commit suicide by O.Ding on Prozac in front of her boyfriend.)
  • No, I don't believe in the whole xian "sin guilt trip thing".
  • no. i pity them. they think theyve found an escape but really their just falling into a deeper hole - a hell hole.
  • No I don't.
  • no way. I have attempted suicide more times than I have had birthdays and it's easy for someone to say it's selfish and it's a sin until you are in that position. I think suicide is everyone's right. It is NOMB to tell someone to live a life they are miserable in--though I can try to encourage them that it will get better--who am I to judge them when they do it..
  • no, depression sucks! and to be that far...I would never look down on them, just feel sad that we aren't more help to one another.
  • No. There is no such thing as sin, much less for someone trying or wanting to end life because they can't cope anymore. It's sad and tragic, nothing more, nothing else
  • No. One because I'm not very religious.Two because who the hell am I to decide that I'm better than someone else. Three because a close friend of mine killed himself and I would never look down on a friend (especially a dead one and four because it takes a lot of courage to actually kill yourself or make a good (for want of a better word) attempt at it. I have thought about it several times but never had the guts to go through with it.
  • NO, but anyone who does is guilty of a far worse sin. sums it up.
  • No, it is stupid to look down on anyone when you dont know all the facts.
  • Let's leave out the sin part, now I'll answer, No I don't. I tried to kill myself years ago, slit vertically on my wrist about two inches & one inch across, I still have the scar, I know how it feels to truly believe your absolutely alone, no help anywhere, noone to offer consolation of any kind, feels like there is no reason, but I found from this, there is someone who cares, yourself. I love me now, I Have high self respect and esteem and don't let anyone push me around, that experience taught me alot about myself.
  • No, because it is impossible to know what is in the persons mind.
  • Not at all. I contemplated suicide many times, and did a lot of research, but in the end lacked the necessary something (courage, conviction, who knows?) to go through with it. But it's certainly not our place to judge others, especially when we don't know all of the facts.
  • Nobody else should control what I do with my life. I say it's fine if you are fed up with life and aren't a victim of depression ( which can be helped )
  • No, I don't look down on people who attempt suicide or who have succeeded at suicide. They are people, too.
  • No, the only people I look down on, is those who look down on others.
  • No, I do not. When I was a teenager I thought about suicide very often. I can relate to how they feel.
  • i could never look down on someone who was at such a low place in their life that they honestly thought death was the only option. i can't look badly at them. maybe it's because i understand, because i've been in that position. i don't know.
  • My stepfather has attempted suicide three times and failed three times...luckily he was not maimed in the process. But I don't look down on him for trying...I look down on him because you would think that one out of three times he would have gotten it right.
  • godgobbers should stay out of normal peoples lives. Countless numbers of people actually commit suicide because of the crimes committed against them by godgobbers.
  • I will say I don't agree or look up to someone who kills themselves at all. I think it is sad and shows weakness. Killing yourself solves NOTHING. All it does is makes everyone close to you suffer. Who would want to do that?
  • Maybe their maker does, but as a himan, i can't look down on another one!
  • I don't honestly give a damn what religion says is wrong. Although in this case, I look down upon them because they're pathetic, especially the failures.
  • No, I would never look down on them. I can't understand how someone could get to a place in their life where they would actually do it. I know it probably crosses the minds of almost all of us at one time or another..but thinking about it and attempting/succeeding is two different things. Thinking of "opting out" is a clear indication that the person should seek help.
  • I have known 6 men who have committed suicide and no I don't look down on any of them. it makes me sad that they didn't get enough help to make them realise that things get better. 3 of them were bipolar. 3 were simply depressed - aged 26,28 and 31.
  • No. Everyone sins. What I hold them accountable for is the suffering they cause others by their selfish, cowardly actions.

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