• theres the green lantern i know that even though im not a super hero nut also.
  • why is it so important for them to black?
  • The Black Panther Storm, and Bishop from X men Blade Theres actually a lot in marvel comics...I dont know about other comic publishers
  • I know absolutely nothing about comic books and superheroes, but I would guess that it has something to do with darkness being associated with evil, and lightness being associate with good.
  • Blade, Black Panther, Black Lightning , Sonik, Georgianna Castlebury , Wes Cassady a construction worker who was bitten by a radioactive rabbit.
  • Perhaps because originally it cost a lot to buy the ink to publish them, and so having a black superhero featured would cost that much more ink. Or perhaps because when comics started there was a lot of racism about still and so the tradition began that most superheroes were white, with only token black ones thrown in. I personally cannot name an Orietnal superhero.
  • Yes, I believe these heroes are: Spawn, Cyborg, Steel, Northwind The Invisible Kid, Jinx, Dart, Tempest, Jackie Johnson, Green Lantern, Garnet, Diamond, Dr. Mist, Impala, Grave Digger, Vykin, Gus Gray, and Houngan. These are a few from the DC universe. (Spawn is not)
  • I do know a few actually 1. Doctor Crocodile (ally of Captain Britain) 2. Howitzer (Genedogs) 3. Cyclone (member of the Hybrids) 4. Knighthawk (Scott Pike) 5. Bumblebee (Teen Titans TV) 6. Johnathan James Junior (from Thunderbirds 2086) 7. Spyke (X-Men Evolution) 8. Catwoman played by Halle Berry 9. Frozone from the The Incredibles 10. Oracle from The Matrix
  • CAntoneEZ
  • Blankman and Meteorman are the only ones that come to mind. But they're from movies, not comics or anything.
  • The Green Hornet -- that guy the Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids liked to watch. Hey, hey, hey!
  • Was MANTIS ever a comic book character? I know he was the first black superhero on TV...

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