Yes. And your baby can manipulate technology. Abort now before it destroys the world!
ROFLMAO! No clue why you got DRed for this. =P
haha!!! its possible LOL
If you avatars were deleted on the third Tuesday of the month, you are and will have a boy. Either way, you should take a pregnancy test.
Yes, and it's twins. Identical twins.
I see you are feeling better. (or I hope). I foresee a child in your future. It's a's a...can't tell what it is yet..too early but keep us informed.
Well, it's absolutely possible...but only if you performed the chicken dance in front of a post office during a full moon;)
Zack, My friend I had to go to the magic eight ball for this one as it was deeper then my mind could go. Congrats are in order and your newborn will be a brand new baby pixel.
The only way to tell is to pee on your computer screen. If they return, it means you've been uploaded;)
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