It depends on the type of car. 80% of the time I would go black, 20% red but never white personally. White is not practical and shows up dirt too easy.
β Stevo
really black cars show more dirt.
I love pearlescent white.
i am only 12 but i would have to say a black ford truck.
I like off white, or cream!
Black!! Nothing better than a very clean black car.
Black or silver!!
I have two white vehicles does this answer your question...main reason white reflects heat rather than absorb therefore my cars stay a little cooler and the AC doesn't have to work as hard. and I just like white cars...
Black, but not white as it shows up dirt too much, and not silver as its too fashionable; every second car around here seems to be silver.
Black is classy. Its hard to keep clean but its a classy color, I always get my cars in black.
I've owned cars in each of these colors. Red - no contest.
Black looks good but it shows EVERYTHING yo...
Green! This is a safety tip about RED cars. I am in the car business so I think about this a lot. I used to think that red cars got more tickets because they are red and more noticeable. I've asked cops about this and they say it's not because the car is red; it's because drivers of red cars tend to be more aggressive. But, that's not the safety thing. The safety thing is: When you are driving behind a red car, what color do you see. RED. When the driver steps on his brakes, what color do you see? RED. So, it takes a split second longer for it to register on your brain that the car is braking. I have not seen any statistics on this but I believe that insurance companies charge more for insuring red cars. At least that's what I'm told. And, that the reasoning is that they have more accidents. I don't think it's because they are not good drivers but because the cars behind them run into them.
Moving Violation
Excellent~Very interesting. Nov.28.2021 -
β Stevo
not true thou.
I prefer black vehicles.
White. and this answer is guaranteed accurate by the poster, whatever Answerbag has to say about it.
gleaming black
BLACK!!! It is the ONLY color. (My Corvette is black.) Red is a valid alternative, but only on Ferraris. ;-)
Hot pink or purple with a pearl finish.
Purple or turquoise, if it had to be i guess black;0)
I've had black and white and the black is impossible to keep looking clean. I'd either pick red or I'd rather have deep green or else yellow for some cars
Who says I can't?
Red like my lips
If I could choose I would choose a silver or dark gray of some sort, or a pretty green!
From the options red, white, black & silver I chose white, it suits the car.
Depends. White for a "utility" car (because it's safer, statistically). Medium to dark blue for a "fun" car (because it looks good).
"If you could choose the color of the car you buy" - Of course people have the option to choose. You must be some teenager who is saving up money to buy a car. The proper question should be: "If you bought a car, what color would you choose: black, white or red?"
Blue, of course
I have always wanted a red car , black and white look awful when they need a wash.
- remains cooler in the sun thus easier to cool with the AC.
I usually choose grey or silver. (less trips to the car wash)
I choose the color that will least get dirty or show the dirt. I hate going to the car wash.
Silver or Gray. Less trips to the car wash.
The color is a major contrubutor if you buy it or not? Personally Id never buy a green car. I usually buy white cars. You can choose the color of the car you buy.
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