• Probably less than half. But it depends on what type of poker you are playing - there are many varieties. If you play in a game against the house, such as 3 card stud, then chances are that the house wil win in the end, because the dealer will be told what hands to play in order to increase the casinos chances. But if you refer to a game whereby the house only takes a small stake and you play against others, such as texas hold 'em, then obviously the house doesn't exactly win as it doesn't play. But if you consider a typical large scale tournament. Say 500 players buy in to it. There may only be prizes for the top 10 finishers, and possibly winners of each knockout round. So the percentage of players who actually win will be probably much less than half. I don't play for money much, but I play online for fun on Pacific Poker. I started with $1000 (not real) and currently have $8186. I have never gone below my starting amount.
  • Pinochle, Bridge, Canasta, etc. are Card Games. Poker is a "Money" game that's played with cards. Playing with "Play Money" won't give you accurate results. I suspect that the percentage of long-term winners is less than 10% of the poker playing population. I was looking for some knowlegeable estimates.
  • I don't have any direct links but I recall interviews with top players who generally give the following breakdown. 45% of players are long term losers, 45% of the players are long term break even and 10% are long term winners.

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