Hi JayBay. The California Vehicle Code does not prohibit drivers from changing lanes while going through an intersection per Section 22107 CVC (California Vehicle Code). However, the city in which you live has municipal codes in place also. So, I would check those too. Changing lane at an intersection is dangerous because California does allow the "right turn on red". If the vehicle at the other crossing intersection wants to make a right turn and does not anticipate your lane change in the middle of the intersection, and committs to making a rigt turn just as you change lanes, then you will collide. As an officer, we would cite you for an unsafe lane change. If this is something you want to fight, then I would review the section and be clear on whether you did what was needed to make the lane change safely (i.e., signaled at least 100 feet before making the change, etc). So, keep in mind, "with reasonably safety". The safe answer is, No! Again, here is the section; 22107 CVC - drivers who intend to change lanes while going through an intersection where there's other traffic must signal their intended maneuver continuously for the last 100 feet before starting the lane change -- and do it only if it's reasonably safe. Good luck to you!
Hi JayBay. The California Vehicle Code does not prohibit drivers from changing lanes while going through an intersection per Section 22107 CVC (California Vehicle Code). However, the city in which you live has municipal codes in place also. So, I would check those too. Changing lane at an intersection is dangerous because California does allow the "right turn on red". If the vehicle at the other crossing intersection wants to make a right turn and does not anticipate your lane change in the middle of the intersection, and committs to making a rigt turn as you change lanes, then you will collide. As an officer, we would cite you for an unsafe lane change. If this is something you want to fight, then I would review the section and be clear on whether you did what was needed to make the lane change safely (i.e., signaled at least 100 feet before making the change, etc). So, keep in mind, "with reasonably safety". The safe answer is, "NO". Again, here is the section; 22107 CVC - drivers who intend to change lanes while going through an intersection where there's other traffic must signal their intended maneuver continuously for the last 100 feet before starting the lane change -- and do it only if it's reasonably safe. Good luck to you!
I was turning left on a 2 lane one way. the left lane was open with a truck and another car in the far lane. I turned left and at the car behind the truck changed lanes at the intersection hitting me. I was cited for faliure to yield. This happened in Iowa. The officer said just because my lane was open doesn't mean I don't yeild the right of way. can the other vehicle change lanes in a intersection like that. there were no markings in that on the pavement in the intersection.
no as long as your not changing lanes to pass a car
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