The inner ear has a strip of tissue about 1 1/3 inches long. Delicate hair cells are located all along the top of this strip. These delicate hair cells convert the sound energy into neural impulses that our brains interpret as the sensation of hearing. It is these hair cells that are affected by excess exposure to sound. The bass sounds are processed at one end of this strip, the treble sounds are processed at the other end of the strip, and the mid-frequency sounds are processed in between the two ends, that is, in the middle of the strip. In general, the end of the strip that processes the treble sounds is more susceptible to a variety of damaging factors than is the other end of the strip that processes the bass sounds. These damaging factors include aging, the effects of certain medications, and of course, excessive sound exposure. The treble end of the strip has a weaker blood supply than the bass end so some scientists have speculated this as a reason for its susceptibility to damage. All sounds travel from one end of the strip to the other, beginning at the treble end. Therefore, treble sounds activate only the treble region while bass sounds activate both the treble region and the bass region. The treble region is always affected regardless of whether the damaging sounds were bass or treble. People with exposure to damaging sounds most show a hearing loss initially in the treble region. So, both bass and treble sounds can be damaging depending on the level and the duration of the exposure. Regardless of whether the sounds are bass or treble, the damage begins to show up in the treble end first.
Both can at the right volumes for long enough times. And the times and volumes tolerated vary from person to person. You can lose your high-pitch hearing, but still have your low-pitch, and vice-versa. Either can cause problems with overall hearing.
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