Because some men are foolish
Haha. It's not that they are not's just that those men have problems. They may be insecure or non committal.
The confidence gets them all the time. They like winny, dependent women so that they can feel like a Superhero
Sometimes men want a girl who can hold a conversation too. So being attractive, confident, and smart is ideal. That's just what it seems to me?
because it takes more then two characteristics to make an amazing woman.
For some men a strong confident woman is a scary thing because some rather be able to control her.
It depends on a ton of other issues. Just being attractive and confident isn't enough.
Wow, alot of good insight- thanks you guys! ;)
Some men are not confident enough, to handle a confident woman! Now....... I said SOME!!!!!
because most guys dont realise how great a woman is untill she is gone, or better yet, she leaves because of this... whoever this confident attractive girl is... right now i seem to meet the complete opposite of such so trust me, the right sort of guy will appreciate a good woman all the more once he has experienced truely bad ones... u just gta wait for the guys to try the rest, then get to the best... so far all ive got is the rest and the worst :( :D
because those men are gay
I don't know about other men. I admire confident women who may not be all that attractive physically. The confident appearance is an attraction in itself. Their self confidence radiates from them and it is infectious. I too become confident in dealing with them.
When they're insecure, it's too much;)
She's probably too much for them. Some prefer a doormat, and not for good reasons.
Because everyone has different tastes. Maybe a sense of humour is more important to them, for instance, or maybe they're really just into red-heads, or poets, or girls that will pee on them--it could be anything. Or maybe they're gay!
Because some guys need a 'project', or someone to depend on them. Buddies of mine thrive on girls with self esteem issues so they can control them. Also, confident women tend to move from man to man once they get bored or sense a lack of self esteem in men. Myself? I love confident women because they know what they want, and aren't insecure which leads to jealously and the constant need for reassurance.
Are you feminine? That makes a big difference.
We scare them.
Confident and attractive are good qualities. But if youre too confident (meaning full of yourself or down on others) that can be unattractive. Also, looks aren't everythign. A girl who believes in herself, with no low selfesteem, who is trustworthy and can hold a conversation seems to catch alot of guys. Not just confident and attractive, because those two combinations alone can be unattractive when the person confuses their "confidences" for being full of yourself. Also, try going up to guys to talking to guys, sometiems the best ones are shy.
Because she has to be good in bed too.
Quite the opposite. It may be too much for some men to handle.
Some men keep score of their lives by how many women they can bed.
Personally, I find a little bit of shyness cute; and, as always, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Because some men only like other men.
Antonia, Let's say that you meet a guy online. You've never seen a picture of him and he's never seen you. He may be able to discern that you are confident, assertive, sensitive, sweet and on and on, just by your conversation. By your conversation, he'll gain a confidence in you (or he should). Several weeks/months later he sees what you look like. If at that point he runs scared because you happen to be drop-dead gorgeous, well then he's got an issue. Back to reality. You know (it's why you have to ask) that many, if not most, physically attractive women are emotionally dangerous. Being attractive and confident has never excluded the traits "shallow" and "manipulative". These women, who are attractive-confident AND shallow-manipulative, ought to wear a sign that says "Wanna get hurt? Play with me!" That would do all of us a big favor, especially you simply "attractive-confident" ladies.
Despite being attractive, confident the woman might be a BITCH.
Some guys are shallow Some need a women to challenge them mental (looks only help in the short term not the long term) Some guys are gay
the problem is not with the woman. it's with the insecure man who doesn't know how to handle such a great combination.
I have met "attractive", "confident" women who are very much full of [it]. Who cannot wait for you to ask her a question so she can start talking, non-stop, about herself. How smart she is, how independent she is, how much she has accomplished, and how much, in fact, she doesn't need you......A complete turn off!
Like this......
becaus ehse is up her self. no one is not good enough for some one
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