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That it is okay with God and the world is overpopulated anyway.
I can make it look like an accident... You will be doing us all a favor. Your family will never know and they can collect the insurance.
I bet you will mess this up as well.
This wouldn't help.......
If you think you want to kill yourself.... Are you not already thinking about it too much.
I dare ya!
"You won't do it! You won't!" (tauntingly)
You never follow through on anything
Go ahead...i dare you!
Ah. Promises, promises!!! You'll never go through with it.
Do the world a favor & just get it done & over with. You don't have the balls to pull the trigger chicken pooh, no body loves you anyway.
Grow up... you're just looking for attention.
What are you waiting for?
What Nike's been telling us for a long time now since the 80s. "Just Do It"
"You'll probably be reincarnated anyways so I don't care"
In case you know someone thinking about it dont tell them it will all be ok, dont tell them to just think about it, dont tell them you understand, dont compare experiences. Listen to them, thats the best thing you can do. listen as long as they need to talk then depending on their mood suggest a professional even if its just a hotline number.
the you are out of rope.
If you come down every one will call you a pussy for the rest of your life!
You worthless piece of ...
the worst thing you can tell some one comtemplating suicide is nothing. If you wait until it happens you will live a life of guilt. To pose such a question on AB is not a laughing matter. A person who contemplates suicide now or later, I can tell you one thing for certain and that is, contemplation is a dress rehersal for somthing tragic, forseeable,stopable. The point is that you can do something now, and that is an intervention to get things rolling in the direction of prevention. Trust me people who contemplate it are sooner or later going to try it. I know from experience, first cousin did it. So save your self the guilt and do something now.
it could be worse
Don't jump!
My ex threatened to commit suicide if I left him. He said he had a gun and a bottle of whiskey. I told him pull the trigger. Here it is 25 years later, I'm single and he is still alive. But that doesn't mean it works everytime.
THE WORT HING IS TO CHALLENGE THEM; "IF YOUR GONNA DO IT DON'T TALK ABOUT IT JUST DO IT!!!" My sons buddy's girlfriend challenged him..he shot himself in the chest with a 12 gauge shot gun!
Don't tell them about the diving board you had installed on the roof.
"Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness and dies by chance." Sartre
it's alright, i didn't like you that much anyway.
Stop attention seeking
That suicide is a "sin". A good friend and I discussed this yesterday. A once vibrant, talented young man, he's had to undergo several heart operations, undergoes chemo therapy several times a week, has had both legs amputated, and is sick and experiences pain EVERY day. His disability doesn't come close to handling his expenses and he's considering moving to "assisted living". To say he's miserable is an understatement. To HIM, suicide would relieve him from daily suffering. Anyone who thinks they "know what's good" for this guy should "walk" 24 hours in his shoes and see if they feel the same way.
You forgot to take the safety off.
- one really liked you anyway.
Play them this song:
what are you waiting for
Do it. You don't want to really do it. I know how you feel. Are all on the top of the list.
Hey i just slept with your mom.
"you're stupid"
I wonder how it feels to be dead. You know? One second you're alive then *BOOM* you're not. Do you even comprehend the switch from life to death? Important questions where you're gonna end up.
Just do it already.
god, just do it already!!
"i know exactly what you are going through" or "things will get better" because you have no idea what they are going through
what are you waiting for
just do it
Just get over it, you know this is all in your head.
go a had a do your are going be batter off
stop wasting my time and yours to we can get this over with!
its against the law. when he kills himself, he can be assured of getting a life sentence or to be on death row the rest of their life.
anything judgmental...
Don't tell me! I don't care what you do! That was told to me when I told a friend I had gotten more suicidal. The next day I decided not to tell her that nearly pushed me over the edge. I still remember looking in the bottle of Advil and realizing there wouldn't be enough for a lethal overdose after downing 23.
Jesus loves you.
Don't do it?
to stop thinking that way
telling them to do it when they shouldve been encouraging them not to
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