• I believe it is a very apt quote. Yes, I have been able to truly understand myself for quite some time. Which is not to say that I know everything about myself. I find that as I honestly search myself for how I feel and react to people, I understand each person to a certain extent. One can never truly see through another's eyes, but one CAN glimpse the world another sees. That glimpse can give one a good idea of how to positively connect with that person. I find that the best way to really see yourself and others is by trying hard to love them first. NOT physically, mind you.
  • Understanding yourself is not a mission to be completed. It is a mission to follow throughout your entire life. Growing-up never stops, maturing is never final, and learning is a constant process that only ends when death claims you. So, this being said, I don't believe you'll ever truly understand yourself. It is a lifelong process as things are always changing, but it is certainly something worth devoting time to. I certainly devote a good portion of my time to understanding myself.
  • I haven't ever been able to understand or know myself fully but i can fully understand others, so personally that quote doesnt work for me!

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