Yes, and I am sometimes over emotional.
No, I was not accused. But I know I am emotional to a large extent... or more sentimental I should say.
Yes :(
i could you say that you bastard!(kiding)
I've been accused, correctly might I add, of both extremes of the emotional spectrum.
nope....I have always been accused of the opposite.....until very recently
All the time! :D But I like it..
Why are you yelling at me, you hate me don't you, it's because I look fat. That's why your yelling at me....right?
As my husband use to say, I am an emotional girl!!!
Yes...and moody, and
what?!? why?!? what have you heard?!? gosh, i hate it when people talk about me!! it's just not true, i swear!!
By everyone who knows me.
Sometimes I will break down, but then it's usually just by myself or in front of my family. When I do this my family said I was just a "drama queen". So I cover my feelings well, actually too well. I cried in front of my best friend of 15 yrs a couple years ago and she said "wow, I didn't know you did that!" It hurt, when I broke up with my ex last week he said I was heartless. So no, I don't get accused very much. But I am VERY sensitive..shhh..don't tell anyone. Promise?
Yes! every everyone one who knws me. But i can admitt i am a "bit" overemotional :-(
Oddly enough yes... and also cold and having no emotions. People can't make up their minds
I've been called a ticking time bomb. I don't think I've ever been called over-emotional.
Yes, but not all the time.
Yes to many times to count. I cry at commericals. Momma always said I had a soft heart.
Is that the same as being emotionally unavailable?
Yes. The people who say this to me are trivializing my feelings. How can I be over emotional?...It's how I feel!
Quite a lot actually. I get worked up for the smallest things and I'm aware of that. I'm just sensitive I guess. XD
yes! I cry at the end of extreme home edition when the family getS to see there new house! "BUSDRIVER! MOVE THAT BUS!"
Yes, I have, but I don't think it counts since the person who called me "over-emotional" also called me "heartless". The way I figure it, the two insults just cancel each other out.
Accused? Yeah that's because I am. I amnot dramatic...just don't like being messed with or played.
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