• Probably New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles -- these are the largest airports with the most flights, and thus the most competition. Bring a good book! (And why do you want to come to the land of the untravelled?)
  • Generally speaking, New York. Most special fares are into that market. I always pick flying into Newark, N.J EWR -= airport code. It is officially called β€œLiberty Airport, and is considered a β€œNew York City” airport, even though it is in New Jersey. It is about 16 miles to Manhattan. JFK is New York City’s other international airport and it is insane driving in and out of it. It is much easier to get in and out of Newark. Remember when you book your flight arrangements that if you cam be flexible on the dates in which you depart and return, and if you can fly midweek, like on a Wednesday, you will save a good bit on your fare. I know that this is the case with British Air. Sometimes special low fares are offered to American hubs like Chicago, L.A., or Dallas.
  • I've gotten REALLY cheap flights between Heathrow and Baltimore, Cincinnati, Atlanta... I'd check Boston too.
  • New York or Boston MA

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