I don't often get angry when I'm depressed, unless someone is just being an idiot around me. My normal remedy is a long shower, followed by climbing into bed with a good book and a fat joint!!
Go to bed.
I lose energy big time when I start getting depressed. To combat it, I let lots of extra light into the house and go out for walks as much as weather permits.
Smoke a joint and pop a top
Every time that happens to me I sit down and start writing a letter to who ever or whatever is pissing me off. Usually don't give it to the person but I feel better afterward
Music and Answerbag.
I surround myself with friends because it is so easy to hide and that is when the troubles get worse. Taking my meds are a given but at times they don't work or need to be changed. Having friends around is a welcome distraction for me.
Just try to distract myself or find a solution to my problem. Talking to friends, taking a cruise, music, smoke... all these put together can help a little.
read a book,answerbag, watch a good movie, listen to music, free write, hang out with friends
Punch the Shit out of my punching bag then a Long hot shower,,Some Puffy Puff then relax;)!!
Work my butt off! It's hard to concentrate on depression when you're too busy to think about it.
Do something physically active. At least keep my hands busy.
I talk to myself, play devil's advocate. It helps me to do that, because it distracts me from my original problem of depression, and forces me to think of ways to overcome the problem. I ask myself to look at the problem in different lights, and try to overcome the problem accordingly. Like, if I am depressed about something, I ask myself why? Most of the time, it is nothing really that merits my attention. Or, it is something out of my control. We like to have control over every aspect of our life, but it's not always possible, so we tend to get depressed about it. Meds don't work for me, they just disguise it. Hide? You can't hide from yourself. Cryng just makes me more depressed. Getting angry doesn't do anything but introduce another problem. Look inside yourself to determine the cause for your depression. Then, talk yourself out of it. Remember that depression is just a chemical reaction in your brain, for whatever reason, and it will pass. Ride it out, accept it even, all the while knowing that it will pass, and you will once again feel happy.
i go to bed and cry, drink and cry some more.. i dont like to see or talk to people and i don't eat.. (only when things are real bad)
I turn on soothing music (usually jazz) and go into the kitchen and cook/bake something. The music relaxes me and the focus on doing something I love energizes me. Never fails to work. At the end of it, I have produced something that didn't exist before! :)Happy Monday, Stillme! :) ((hugs))
Today I spent 4 hours gardening. At least I did something usefull! - Can't say it helped much, but it was probably good for me.
I take medication to combat my depression, but sometimes when I get really low I just go somewhere private and cry it out.
Worry, cry, sleep. It doesn't happen often thank goodness.
Yeah everything you said..but I also have a wall I needto fix...maybe I leave as a reminder. I also make calls to talk to a friendly voice. On a bunch of cases I have found that those I called were worse off than me!
When im depressed, i drink and a lot! I know this isnt good, but it does help me!
Shake shit up. I do something different than my normal routine.
I normally write in my journal til all the bad feelings are out on paper or til I fall asleep. It feels better to have them written down, rather than bottling them up over and over again.
I isolate myself because I hurt too many people if I dont
Get out, do things, visit friends, go to a concert, exercise, take a bike ride, pick apples, watch a movie...
I sleep it off.
Usually get angry and self medicate (sniff and beer). Usually numbs the ache for a while although always feel worse in the morning.
I work out, Taekwondo style. I find sweating, yelling and kicking stuff seems to help my mood.
watch movies or cook some good food. I also think it helps for me to cuddle with my sweetie.
Pick myeslf back up! Realise somethings not right in my life, decide my next plan what i want to do doesn't matter how big or small it is and just go for it! Change what's made me depressed, and start again! My grandad always used to say to me. "LIFES NOT A REHERSAL ITS THE REALY THING" and that's always stuck with me and helped me alot! You have to do what you want in life and not what anyone else wants you to do.... Anythings possible believe me!!! :)
Every time I get down in the dumps and depressed, it is always "situational". Life's small and even medium disappointments and setbacks don't phase me, fortunately. I've had some depression -- but not major -- since May. I'm not taking medication but there wouldn't be anything wrong with it if I did. I went through about three years of some very "heavy" stuff going on in my family. I got through it and didn't get depressed. But, after going through all of this and then having two extended family members "throw me under the bus" because of ignorance and a lack of loyalty -- I got ANGRY. One of my grown children was going through a major, major crisis. Having my child hurt this way was devastating. I spent alot of time to do absolutely everything to try to help them. One extended family member had no idea what all I had done and instead of asking me and discussing the matter, she decided to place herself on a "throne of judgment" and verbally attack me. I had found out that yet another extended family member had "stirred the pot" which led to the attack. I've tried to deal with it by talking with someone else in the family who really understands. It's helped to lessen the pain -- the worst I've ever experienced. I've also hid, more or less because I found the comfort and safety of my home to be what I needed. Sorry I wrote a book Stillme.:)
I seldom get depressed, but when I do strenuous workouts, running, or riding my Harley always help.
sneaking away to myself and smoking a joint usually works for me :)
I stare at the ceiling hoping that it will eventually fall on me.
I just suck it up and drive on. It's a bumpy ride but eventually the ride ends.
Run, run and run some more. Exercise is a great natural high!
Listen to music mainly EMIN3M
Usually, I slap myself in the face. You'd be amazed at how well a loud noise and sharp pain clear your mind of things.
when I m depressed I remove myself from others and go running (parqour) or drink coffee and smoke while playing read alert three. the damage you can do in a down spell is amazing.
When i am down i cry and go on the internt/pc, dont talk or yell!
I listen to a lot of music. haha Umm other than that I write and b**** to my boyfriend. I don't deserve him sometimes. haha
I find a place to hide. (ridiculous places) like the barge or a closet. Or I'll lock myself up in the bathroom with the lights off or in a room and I cry till my eyes are swollen and I skip breaths. I am dangerously depressed and can't afford to fix it. I haven't the money or insurance for meds or a therapist. My boyfriend is a jerk n doesn't realize no matter how much I tell him that this is a serious illness. The only hope for help for me is him but his brain is so stupid n selfish that he doesn't know how to help. He just puts me down and says I'm stupid wen he finds me hysterical. He needs to be more sensitve because without him I literary have NO ONE! I just about threw out everyone who has caused harm in my life except him. I hide, I cry, I'm angry (rage) n I'm completely helpless n hopeless. That is depression- severe
Find my doll (he is a person and one of my best friends!) and laugh until we spit milk out of our noses. I like to think that I can cheer him up at least half as good as he can me... Laughter makes everything better.
eat, sit around, cry, listen to sad songs, think of my childhood...stare into space, fight with my husband.
McDonalds --- Big Mac, fries, and a chocolate Milkshake. Works for me! (luckily I am not depressed all the time! :))
try to relax and think happy thoughts
Think of ways of killing myself.
If I am truly depressed about something, or distraught.. I sleep it off. Either that, or I always think that things will and can only get better from that point on out. It works every time.
Learn from it. Depression is an illness when it exceeds several days and happens out of the blue and you cannot function due to it. If it is a result of an even in your life like a divorce, or job loss, the body is shutting down and allowing the stressor not to exhaust the body. It is part of life.
i come to ab and get my mind off of things and have fun with my friends.
go out and get some exercise, play video games, watch movies, call someone, hang out with friends, take meds if it gets bad (i have klonopins for panic attacks).
cry and listen to sad music.
I've done all those and slept all the the time and the showers..depression did that to me.
drink til i pass out and cant remember why i was now focused on this major hang over..IT HURTS...i need a cigarette
I don't think I could ever get prescribed medication for my depression episodes, so no meds. But I do withdraw from people a little bit, I do cry at the drop of a pin (without no one ever seeing me), I usually don't get mad, just more sad... The next day, everything seems much better. Depression is one of the worst feelings a person can have.
lol i do the same as woody, no idea what pop a top is tho
All of the above at one time or another.
As strange as it may sound, I try to get into that particular facet of being human while it's ongoing, trying to understand it's causality and that it's crucial in defining & shaping future positive events. ;-)
Remember it could be worse and to be thankful for what I do have. It works every time for now....
It doesn't matter what I do. I'm a useless piece of crap. +5
get on AB.
Eat everything, or nothing. Get scarily irrational. Listen to music constantly... cut
Be quiet and collect my thoughts!
Take useless medications, drink and contemplate suicide. +5
Listen to sad music and cry silently
cry..that's the only thing i know
I pray.
hide cry and cut.... not very healthy, huh? and I either don't eat anything or just eat and eat and eat. and I'll huddle under the blankets and just wish everything would go away. And I play angry, sad music (only once I'm starting to come out of my depression episode, like in the last few days it helps stuff get better) Sometimes, I'll turn on the tv so I can just sit there and let myself "turn off" without having to be in my room (where the razor seems to always enter the picture) or have my family look at me weird for staring into space... they think I'm watching tv, but honestly, I have no idea what show's even on.
Depression was easy to deal with, get drunk and feel nothing. My biggest problem is "adjustment disorder with anxiety attacks" Docs gave me xanax for those but up until recently I would not take them. Yesterday, I took them, then I took them again and again..<lol> Today I flushed them. No more meds.+5
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