• Read this site enough, you'll see plenty. Because you asked this question, I will correct you everytime from now on.
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification, for some reason it gets misspelled everytime!!
  • at the top of your screen everyday you see the word favorites, when it should be spelt favourites. colour gets the same treatment on tv/film. ok im not being technically true to your question i know its the american spelling,
  • 1) " In addition, avoid bad misspellings resulting from ignorance rather than from mere slips of the pen. Here are some common misspellings arising from a confusion between words (note that a spell-checker won't catch these): it's/its; there/their; cite/site/sight; principal/principle; than/then; to/too/two; who's/whose; weather/whether; conscience/conscious; since/sense; coarse/course; role/roll . In addition, the following are common misspelling errors in philosophy papers: arguement; diety; concieve; decieve; percieve; sieze; truely; wholely; spacial. If unsure about how to spell these words correctly, check a dictionary." Source and further information: 2) "While some words admit multiple spellings, some spellings are clearly incorrect and thus labeled as misspellings. A misspelled word can be a series of letters that represents no correctly spelled word of the same language at all (such as "liek" for "like") or a correct spelling of another word (such as writing "here" when one means "hear", or "now" when one means "know"). Misspellings of the latter type can easily make their way into printed material because they are not caught by simple computerised spell checkers. Misspellings may be due to either typing errors (e.g. typing teh for the), or lack of knowledge of the correct spelling. Whether or not a word is misspelled may depend on context, such as American / British English distinctions. Misspelling can also be a matter of opinion when variant spellings are accepted by some and not by others. For example "miniscule" (for "minuscule") is a misspelling to many, and yet it is listed as a legitimate variant in a number of dictionaries. A well-known Internet scam involves the registration of domain names that are deliberate misspellings of well-known corporate names in order to mislead or defraud. The practice is sometimes referred to as "typosquatting"." "- Cleveland, Ohio – the leader of the crew that surveyed the town's territory was Gen. Moses Cleaveland, and the region was named in his honor; reportedly the town's first newspaper could not fit the town's name in its masthead without removing the first "a" from the name. - Cocoa – from cacao. Many foreign languages and foreigners speaking English still use "cacao". - Google – accidental misspelling of googol. According to Google's vice president, as quoted on a BBC The Money Programme documentary, January 2006, the founders – noted for their poor spelling – registered Google as a trademark and web address before someone pointed out that it was not correct. - Hebrides is an 18th Century misunderstanding of the classical Latin name Hebudes, where u was read ri (see Hebrides#Name). - Krakatoa – actually Krakatau in Indonesian. The origin of the spelling Krakatoa is unclear, but may have been the result of a typographical error made in a British source reporting on the massive eruption of 1883. - Montezuma – erroneous spelling of the Aztec emperor's name, Moctezuma. The commonly used name is more easily pronounced by English speakers. - Ovaltine, a popular bedtime drink in the UK, came about because someone misspelled the original name Ovomaltine on the trademark documentation. - Referer – common misspelling of the word referrer. It is so common, in fact, that it made it into the official specification of HTTP – the communication protocol of the World Wide Web – and has therefore become the standard industry spelling when discussing HTTP referers. - Sequim, Washington, "In 1907, due to a Postal Official's error in reading an official report, the post office was titled 'Seguim' for approximately a month. With the next report, the Official read the letter 'g' as a 'q' and the post office here became known as 'Sequim.' The name change apparently did not worry the residents enough to protest. It has been known as Sequim ever since." - Quartzsite, a mining town in Arizona, had its name spelled incorrectly. It should be Quartzite, after the mineral quartzite. - Zenith – Arabic zamt was misread; in Latin letters, at the time, the letter i was never dotted, so "m" looked like "ni"." Source and further information: 3) "The proper use of Tourette Syndrome spelling and grammar would be: • Tourette Syndrome or Tourette's Syndrome not Tourettes Syndrome • Tourette's Disorder not Tourettes Disorder • Common misspelling errors for Tourette Syndrome are: Tourettes, Turette, Turett, Turettes, Turret, Turetts, Turet, Turete, Turets, Turetes, Turrets, Syndrom, Syndrum, and Dissorder." Source and further information: 4) Further information: "Words you always missspell"
  • Color = Colour Valor = Valour Neighbor = Neighbour Honor = Honour Flavor = Flavour Vapor = Vapour Defense = Defence Offense = Offence Maximize = Maximise Minimize = Minimise Organize = Organise Organization = Organisation Plagarize = Plagarise Polarize = Polarise The difference between being English and American is I see these all as misspellings
  • The one that I see most often is 'supercede' for the correct 'supersede'.
  • I have worked in health care for some time....and cannot BELIEVE the amount of times I saw ABSCESS spelled incorrectly!!! It usually was ABSESS or ABCESS.
  • As I am English I realise that other English speaking nations change the spelling of English words because they are easier to pronounce.I find nothing wrong with this as the altered words are easy to understand,i.e., Nite & Night, Favor & Favour.
  • mispelled you spelt misspelled
  • Rtxmpqk?
  • They're There Their

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