• My personal favorite is Yo, I Took the Bitch Out Shopping. Spread it around. Tommy, Beta Psi, ASU
  • Your Initiation Takes Balls Of Steele Truly ours did... ZETA SIGMA UCSD SEND IT
  • Youre in the Butt of Sheep Epsilon Rho, Cal Poly
  • "You're in the brotherhood of soldiers!?" or is was it "Yell if the beer is on sale!" yeah, thats it.
  • "You Insignigicant Tiny Bit of S..." yitbos, bruinbirdman, UCLA '69, Beta Gamma of Delta Sigma Phi
  • I think its an abbreviation of what my girlfriend tells me quite often... You Insensitive Total Bag of Sh1t !
  • Your in the Bitchenest Organization Son!!! Cal Poly, Epsilon Rho
  • Your In Trouble Boys Oh Sh*t Zeta Tau chapter
  • If you are a pledge of Delta Sigma Phi and looking this up you fucked up! Initiation is a special thing that changes your life and gains you a new appreciation for every one of your new brothers. Y-Ya I-I'll T-Take B-Beer O-Over S-Shots Gamma Iota, University of Idaho
  • YITBOS is the answer to an age old question... Would you do her? The answer is Yes If The Bitch Offers Sex. Pledges if you really want to be a brother and learn the secrets go through initiation. Delta Pi Sawyers Chapter, Stephen F. Austin State.
  • You're In The Brotherhood Of Slobs
  • pledge, then you'll find out b1tch
  • you're invited to bang our sisters Alpha Gamma chapter, GT
  • My answer is that anyone not in Delta Sig should piss off sharpish and respect our institution, its values and its secrets in the samew way I wouldnt walk up to any of you and question your values--- religion, sexual orientation, political ideals or whatever. Those Brothers (and yes we are outsiders reading this keep that in mind when you wonder "why arent I entitled to the secret") posting here, jokes and mockery are unnecessary and improper. Dont flatter their ignorance by joining in to their jokes. If anyone does not agree with what I have to say then that is your right, but it's not your right to know our secret if you have not earned it or respected us, yourself and our values. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, Hilgard Chapter, University of California Berkeley CO-FOUNDER, Class of Alpha, Former Apex in good standing IFC Liaison and President, Gamma Patrol Oversight (ps...those credentials up there...stuff Ive done to prove myself to DSP....yeah thats why i get to know what the words mean and you dont)
  • Yitbos is simply β€œYell if the Beers On Sale”

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