• im kinda having the same problem and i need to know i need some kind of eyedrops or something ..i feel like im goin blind and im strainin my eyes allot
  • It could be a number of things, such as allergies, lack of sleep, or staring at a monitor for hours then going to bed. If by chance there is any discharge, or your lids are stuck together please see an eye doctor. In both your cases you may want to see an eye doctor anyway, just to be safe.
  • thanks, but i did see a doctor. she told me things i already knew. she gaave me these eye drops, but they don't really work. i try not to go on the computer these days only for research and homework. and i've been taking naps often to rest my eyes. nothing that i do seems to work. i'm very desperate to find a cure.
  • How much sleep do you get? I know someone with the same problem and they simply don't sleep enough. Also, being around smoking is not good.
  • Its probably dry eyes. At night tear production reduces. Some people even sleep with their eyes half open! There are lots of things you can do. Check out this web page. This explains what it could be This explains what you can do about it
  • I've been having the same issue for about a year. I told my eye doctor about it but he said it's dry eye's and to use artificial tears. It works for about 5 minutes and then goes back to the burning and redness. When I wake up, they are so red it's ridiculous...Even using drops then, they stay red. I did read online that a humidifier may help. I'm thinking that I'll get one for next to my bed and my desk at work. We'll see.
  • Its probabley a mixture of dry eyes and stress.
  • I have had the same issue for the past 2 months. It seems to only be accuring at my house. When I sleep at a friends or another house I have no issue. But if I am at my house my eyes are completely blood Shot int he morning and nothing takes it away. Was reading about Allergy to Dust Mites as a possible diagnosis. Antihistamine do nothing though so not so sure. Doctor said the same thing as above. You have dry eyes nothing can be done. But if it only happens at my house and not my parents or a hotel then it must be allergies. I would check this and see if anything changes in different situations.
  • I've been facing the red-eyes issue for over 5months matter how much i try to take care of them..the problem only worsens...i was also told by an opthalmologist to introduce artificial tears ,thrice a day..didnt work!..i have treied to tackle this issue in every posible way..but to no makes my eyes look droopy and although i get a good 7-8 hour sleep,my face looks a bit sleepy...
  • I have the same problem. It doesn't happen when I am away from home. I keep thinking its allergies to dust mites and feather pillows. Everyone thinks I am crazy.
  • just have someone read something to you about red eyes. by the time they're done reading it to you. you're eyes should be clean. no thanks necessary!!
  • Besides your eyes being dry, it could be too many internet hours (guilty). I read that you need to use artificial tears 4 times a day. Don't use the get the red out ones because your eyes will rebel with bigger veins. I saw this question because my one eye was so red for a week.
  • Eyewashes may be beneficial to those with sensitive eyes and can provide relief to the painful side effects of sensitivity.
  • I have the same condition. Red eyes, frequent gumming on the eyes, eye pain. My opthamologist said I had rosacea and that in some persons, the rosacea extends to the inner eye membranes. Look up "ocular rosacea"

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