• That usuallly comes from the bladder muscles not being fully devolped and strong. But at 15 that seems late in life to have that. Look into some alternative stuff on the web. Google alternative methods for bed wetting. If you search hard enough you will find the answer. Good luck.
  • My son had the same problem at your age, we eventually signed up with a company that specializes in this problem. He went through a series of bladder exercises accompanied by trigger alarms, and it all worked out in the end. I suggest you look into this treatment method. Good Luck
  • They only work when you take it? shocker. But, maybe you could set an alarm for the middle of the night so that you can get up and go to the bathroom. or ask for alternate methods, i'm sure they're around.
  • hey i used to have this problem. Its actually genetic but your diet can help it. Try going to the toilet right before bed and dont drink liquids after tea/dinner. Try to eat plenty of fruit as this actually clogs both holes ;) Keep up the liquids during the day your bladder will expand then.

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