• Of course..there is also melanoma to consider. That is precisely why his choise of V.P. is critical! :)
  • No he won't die for a while now we are living longer & longer.
  • I am quite worried, he is 72. I used to work at the Veterans Hospital, I've seen what happens to the mental faculties of 70 year old war veterans. Many are fine, yes, but there are lots who aren't. It's amazingly risky
  • It is something to consider, but a healthy young person can have a heart attack out of the blue too. There aren't any guarantees in life. Bill Clinton barely made it out of office before having bypass surgery and he was considerably younger. Roosevelt had considerable disability from polio, but he served three terms and part of a fourth. He quite possibly had malignant melanoma as well, and congestive heart failure
  • No I don't think his age will have a thing to do with his job performance. I don't especially like all of his stands on different issues but one thing that CAN be said for the man is that he is tough as a keg of nails!
  • I think a lot of people are concerned about his age and health, especially after he had that melanoma removed recently. If something happened, would Palin really be able to step in and run the country? Hopefully we won't have to worry about that. I'm not voting for McCain, anyway. But his age and health are not the reasons why.
  • age shouldnt matter

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