• I had one that I hoped would, but did not...
  • No, I have never had a casual relationship.
  • Yes, my husband was origianlly just a casual thing. We were SO not commited in the begining. Funny how things change!
  • No. Haven't ever had one that I would consider casual.
  • '
  • I never had a casual sexual relatiopship to begin with. But i believe things happen when we least expect them.
  • Well im in a casual relationship turning into a serious relationship right now, it just depends on the reasoning on why the relationship was casual to begin with. You never really know someone, just the basics, so whats tricky about them is that the person can even be married (for example, their can be many scenarios) and you be clueless about to the fact!
  • Nope, cant say that I have.
  • can please somebody tell me how u do it?? if the guy is around for 7 months he bought his own apatment just to have sme privacy with me, but he is not in for a rel.ship, he can dissapear for weeks but when i dissapear after sme time he tries to contact me...what to do i love him!!!
  • can please somebody tell me how u do it?? if the guy is around for 7 months he bought his own apatment just to have sme privacy with me, but he is not in for a rel.ship, he can dissapear for weeks but when i dissapear after sme time he tries to contact me...what to do i love him!!!
  • i am in a casual sexual relationship right now but it hasn't turned into a serious one. hopefully it does, i really like the guy.
  • I am in one at the moment. He says he cares about me and he likes me. We have spent the night together and have had sex. He has some things to clear up in his head and other stuff before he will move forward. Complicated but I totally understand. We have agreed not to sleep with other people because I am not down with that. If he wants to sleep with someone other then me then he needs to go find some one who wants to do that. I know its weird but we agree on it and would be hurt if either of us hooked up with someone else. Sounds serious I know but its not trust me, we take our space and see each other once a week and talk all the time. He is just busy with work. He is in the National Guard.

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