• That animal cruelty - he's need therapy and a man to talk to him.
  • it seems like you already f'ed things up by making a big deal of it. at 14, he is horny and curious. it doesn't mean he is into bestiality. if you experiment with the opposite gender it does not make you automatically gay. its NOT "NORMAL" but its not "UN NORMAL"... if that makes sense. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE'S A PERVERT! AND IT DOESN'T MEAN HE NEEDS THERAPY! i know this ans. will be DR'd but i can tell by the question you already made a big deal out of this in front of the boy. which is a big mistake on your part. tisk tisk.
  • Almost every dude I know did that, truly. Therapy is necessary, but it's probably not as big a deal as you may think.
  • It's not normal... get him Therapy...
  • Yes for some and no for others---whatever floats your boat!
  • It was not normal for me. I would at least talk to him, maybe therapy but maybe talking to him will be enough.
  • That is abnormal. He needs therapy immediately.
  • Therepy.
  • I would ignore it and listen to music...
  • Therapy NOW!
  • Yes please get him into Therapy. He is asking for help.
  • Absolutely NOT normal. Get him into a psychologist.
  • did u do sexaul things with your dog when u was 14? i hope not, he needs therepy
  • Its not normal but what is normal. He is horny and experimenting. At 14 if you make a big deal out of it it will only cause him to shut down. I wouldn't worry to much, I am sure he will out grow it soon. He will do many things you don't approve of but you have to let him find out on his own what is OK for him.
  • It depends, what did the dog think about it?
  • he needs therapy..and so do you for not knowing f it ok...all 14 yr old boys experiment and that part is normal BUT NOT WITH ANIMALS
  • The poor dog. Yes, therapy. Maybe get a professional therapist to first work out whether he is just sexually frustrated (and cruel to the dog this one time) or whether he actually has a thing for animals. I'd hold back from letting him feel the whole world is disgusted by him, until you know where his head is at, but he definitely needs help before he earns a name as a weirdo and grows into a very lonely adult. Has an older brother or cousin ever talked to him about wanking? Its most usual for boys to talk about what they do and how, at that stage of development. Is he short of friends and that kind of feedback? Maybe get an older male in the family to get him some (ordinary, 'human') soft porn magazines and a box of tissues, so he has a healthier outlet. You'll soon know whether he's got a bigger problem than thoughtless cruelty, because if he has, those pictures won't 'do it for him', I guess. I worked at a special needs school - there was one boy there who was always rubbing up against doorways and table corners, half because his brain was in his pants and half to see if he could wind teachers up. I was tempted to think it was something he would just grow out of, but who knows? He could be a very sad, isolated adult, by now. You can't take the chance, just make sure you find a kind therapist and don't lay blame.
  • therapy !!!!!!!
  • That's not fair to the dog. Get the boy some help.
  • depends,did the dog consent?
  • Immediate therapy, he needs help but don't freak him out.
  • Therapy is a little extream! Just hit him and tell him to stop noshing the dog
  • THERAPY!!!!
  • why do parents now a days need somebody else to talk to their kids? I can't understand why people want to take such a hands off approach to parenting. and you wonder why kids these days are so confused. yeah put him in therapy make him think that he has problems that you cant help him with before you even try to help him. he'll turn out just fine.
  • I... never fondled Mambo. You may wish to have that checked. On a separate note, there's a movie called 'Sleeping Dogs Lie'. You can probably view it instantly on Netflix. It's kind'a funny.
  • is he doing it doggy style ??? if not then he needs help friend
  • Well, first of all I would say you should talk to him and explain that the dog is there just to be his friend. I know it is hard but try to be ferm without showing any disgust or outrage. I tried to find something on google but apparently there are only articles (more or less reliable) about teen sexual "problems", no serious stuff about what happens at this age. From the little child psychology I studied I know some children experiment in the weirdest ways it doesn't necessarily mean anything with regard to their future adult selves. So first talk to him, ask him about girls and friends. If he feels that there are things happening to him he doesn't understand maybe as he is reluctant in talking or asking other people. If after the talk you feel this is serious you could get him in therapy but don't make him feel that he is being punished. And don't say " Doing that with the dog is wrong so I'll put you in therapy". I think the trick is for him not to associate therapy with punishment, you could say there are people, like teachers, who can "teach" him stuff you don't know...
  • Maybe he is just curious. Talk to him and be open to questions and be willing to answer things he wants to know about! Educate him.
  • oh for gods sake, theraphy is some peoples answer for everything. he's a horny teenager, who took it out on the dog. and with so much stuff on the internet you can hardly blame him, he needs to be grounded and have things like tv taken away, and you need to talk to him about why he did it. theraphy would blow it out of proportion. for want of a better phrase
  • I am Psych student, in my opinion you take him to a therapist only if he repeat the behavior. Otherwise you could neglect it as an experiment, as many porns that he may seen had shown him such things, or simply curiosity.
  • No, this is not "normal behavior". He is too old for it to be a simple curiosity. In this day and age, kids are far more aware of their bodies and sexuality, so he was in all likelihood aware of what he was doing to the dog. That being said, there are a myriad of reasons why that range from the fairly benign to a more complex and problematic indicator of a psychological problem or acting out. After you've talked with him to discuss the issue and his reasoning and shared with him why it is that this cannot be done again, I would highly recommend you take him to see a counselor. Am I correct in intimating that there are other problems he is experiencing? Think about it. At the very least, a trained counselor can help him learn about boundaries and appropriate behavior, or it can open the door to look at some deeper underlying issues.
  • I don't think therapy is necessary. The dog should be fine:)
  • dont worry much....... he must be trying to examine dogs sexuality....... he is fine acc yo me but just try to see a doctor if you feel worried
  • This brings a whole new meaning to the family pet. Next time he does it and gets caught ask him for the next function if he would like to take the family pet with him as his date. All this aside I would like to tell you that it is normal, but I would be lying to you. Good Luck
  • It depends on what things, I think. But first, breathe... relax. Clear your head. Don't allow yourself a knee jerk reaction. Now - what was he doing? Was the dog licking him? This, I think isn't much of a big deal. Boys at that age do some strange things to get off and the vast majority are harmless and fade away later. Dogs stick their heads in those fragrant places and a 14 years old boy's hormones are potent. In such a case I would gently keep an eye on things and if it seems to be escalating (dog and boy behind closed doors more than before) maybe take steps to make that more difficult. I don't think I'd even say anything to him at this point. If he's having intercourse with the dog I would seek qualified, NON-RELIGIOUS, professional help but do so alone first. Get guidance on it. But please be careful - I think there is a big danger that any reaction could have lasting un-intended effects. And if there are emotional issues, it's very likely that they are not "just his problems" but family and/or community issues. +5
  • Gives a whole new meaning to "Man's best friend" doesn't it? I don't think he needs therapy. He needs a girlfriend and a pocket full of condoms.
  • was the family dog male or female?
  • Sure, run to the shrink with the kid and forget the dog. The real tragedy here is the poor dog that was sexually molested by a 14-year old pervert and Fido will now be scared for life due to this traumatic experience and you want to wash that under the rug by getting help for the perpetrator not the victim. What is this world coming to? ROFL! This is the funniest shit I've ever seen!
  • get a shrink
  • Therapy for him. that is something thatyou do not fool around with.
  • I can't believe I read this question today. I was going to post the following link to a similar story; click this link to read but I couldn't post anything on AB at the time and then forgot about it. Maybe it happens more than we know!!
  • LMFAO!!!OMG i think he needs therapy and he does need a gf,but omg w/ a dog??he really does need a g/f.BUT anyway ROFL!!
  • hahahaha I'm so sorry to laugh but that's really funny. Maybe one of his friends told him to get the dog to lick peanut butter off his balls or something but if it was more than that I would get in him therapy right now!
  • His sexual feelings are NORMAL for a 14 year boy, however, boinking the family dog is not normal at all! Since we was found "doing" the dog, probably a lot of shame and guilt has been added to his situation. For sure, he needs to talk to a therapist. The sooner the better!!
  • that is definetly not normal. that is sick and perverted. I would never dream of doing that. srry son but you need cousling!
  • I'd give it a pass. Probably just curiosity.
  • I'd give it a pass. Probably just curiosity.
  • NO WAY, this can't be a real question. Creepy
  • Not if the dog was consenting.
  • i would talk tohim first and then seak help if it is right to it all dependes on what he was doing
  • Get him into therapy. Do not talk of this with anyone else but the parents, or gossip could ruin him. Moniter his TV viewing and internet access, as there is much perversion. Be loving but firm, as I am sure that he is embarrassed.
  • Without being voyeuristic it would depend on what kind of "sexaul" things. Are we talking about jerking the dog off or f**king it? The nature of the act makes a difference.
  • I just hope he doesn't get the dog pregnant
  • Getting rid of the dog might be a cheaper alternative. =P
  • don't take it that seriously. making a mountain out of a molehill will make it seem more taboo and thus more interesting. leave it be. please.
  • just try talking to him
  • Is he on his computer often? Because maybe he's looking at stuff he shouldn't be that's sparking a taboo-like curiousty about things he's finding... He's got a ton of hormones right now, and even though it's not..normal for this to happen, he's gotta be looking at something or something had to have sparked the idea. I would wait, then try approaching him, and get his butt into therapy.
  • I forgot the numbers but the Kinsey report had a large percentage of the population being involved in bestiality at some point so don't make it into something bigger than it really is by doing anything to make the child feel worse than I'm sure they already did when getting caught lol now that would be embarrassing
  • Depends on the kind of sexual things I guess. At 14, I would consider it normal. If it repeats itself or progresses, then maybe you should get him some therapy. Otherwize I would just attribute it to raging hormones.
  • Were he my child, I would talk to him about disease, and the innappropriateness of having sex with any living being which is unable to give informed consent. Sorry, I am unable to find this funny, as I've seen this behavior before, first the family dog, then the little retarded child down the street. If the behavior continues (any inappropriate sexual behavior) after you have discussed this with him, THEN he may indeed need "therapy" most children DO NOT have sex with animals.
  • That's not normal and have to bring him to a therapist. A 14-year old boy is already knows what he is doing because he's not a kid anymore. Having some sexual acts with an animal is kinda weird. We are not an animal to do that with an animal. He might see it from a porn mag I think because there are a lot of wild stuff that could be seen. He will not do that if he doesn't have an idea about it.
  • Errrr no thats not normal behavior... Why does everybody always want someone else to talk to their kids?? Talk to him yourself! :)

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