Offline, because I can play even when I'm not on the Internet. Sometimes I simply don't want to be connected to the Internet.
I don't like playing games on my computer. Maybe chess occasionally, but I like platform games. Xbox baby.
Offline, they are so much more fun.
The only "games" I play are poker. So offline all the time! :)
the only game I can play offline is solitaire and I hate that game so online all the way. there are so many game to play that can keep you busy for hours. i will get on to play for just a hour and 10 hours later, I have to make myself get off. sounds a little like AB. maye AB should add a few games in .
Well, if you are talking about a game like WOW i like it online but if is a game like Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3 i like the campaign a little bit more...
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