• If you don't get a really good one, they can really mess with your back, and make things exponentially worse. Not all back cracking is good for you.
  • If they don't know what they're doing or are not properly trained, then they can really mess you up. Find one that is certifed and recomended by many...the good ones are amazing.
  • the ones who want repeat business are
  • I don't trust them. I did see 1 one time who charged me $200 for 5 minutes manipulation and expected me to come back 3x week for 6 months.. I didn't..i felt no difference after seeing her than before I went. ratemydoctors is a good site.. it may be able to help some.. it lists good and bad doctors IF patients have listed any.. wouldn't hurt to check and read reviews.
  • Not if they know what they're doing. Be sure your chiropractor has graduated from a respected school, such as Palmer. My chiropractors have saved me from a great deal of pain over the years. And with insurance, each visit is only about $20. I probably go about 10 times per year, usually bunched together during one 'episode' per year.
  • No, they can be lifesavers. One gave me my life back with one visit, after severe back problems for 6 years. They are of greater benefit that other types of doctors for some problems.
  • On one hand you have the AMA directing their usual smear campaigns against any aspect of healthcare that doesn't fatten the coffers of THEIR members. On the other hand you have the fraudsters ... many of which are card-carrying AMA members! As with ALL medical professionals, whevever a chiropractor abuses their power over their patient, they most certainly are "bad". In fact, they are criminals. A chiropractor who exploits for personal gain the insurance program that a patient may have, is no better than a medical doctor who does the same. Both deserve to lose their practices, all of their illicit proceeds, and should possibly serve some serious jail time for the frauds in which they are involved. This sort of crime is pandemic, and is why health care costs are beyond the reach of many Americans. Curtail the fraud -- and the "ass-covering" required to avoid frivolous lawsuits -- and medical insurance would be incredibly cheap. Oh yeah, we also have to change the mindset that healthcare is some sort of "right". It is not. We also need to remove from the system the patients who are criminal abusers. You know the type ... the mother who can't cope with a runny nose, so she hauls her four year old to the E.R. (THE MOST EXPENSIVE ROOM IN THE HOSPiTAL) to care for her precious little rug rat! Yes, SHE is a criminal, she is defrauding the system. If we rid the system of the pandemic fraud, we might have doctors (and chiropractors) who would perform affordable "house calls" again.
  • Chiropractic can be the difference between leading a full, healthy life, and leading a less than optimal life. It it logical that if the signals sent from the brain via the spinal nerves are interrupted, due to the vertebrae sitting in a poor position, the body won't fuction properly. In the same way the allopathic medicine cannot cure someone with one visit, one Rx or one operation, a chiropractor cannot make everything better, a lifetime of issues, with one visit, so those who expect miracle cures from their DC are not being fair. But, it is true to make sure that they are reputible, and have been trained at a top school, in the same way an intelligent patient asks questions about an MD prior to trusting their life to them.
  • no. I go to one,and she helps me out alot. I go once a month now and it has totally helped. I sleep much better now,and she is the best. It is called ataraxia massage therapy. awesome.
  • If you also deal with a physiotherapist, well, that's like cats and dogs. My Mom is a retired Physio and she went so far as to threaten to take me out of her will if I ever even thought about going to a chiro. I'm no med tech by any stretch but yeah, I can see where she's going with spinal manipulation. Some of those "adjustment" beds look torturous to boot. No thanks. I think I'll take my chances elsewhere if push come to ouch. That's no typo either.
  • I never thought about it. I know chiro doctors are capable to reduce muscle and other pains. Never heard that a chiro dr. could be bad. lol
  • They can be. Chiropractic only masks the pain but doesn't last for long term relief. It might just be that all the muscles of your core (hips, thighs, buttocks, lower back and abs) are all tight and in deep spasm. When they are tight they contort and this is what pulls your lower back and pelvis out of alignment and this is what causes your discomfort and sciatica. the best thing for this is inversion therapy. When inverting all of these muscles are free to stretch out and relax. As they do the knots come out of those muscles and as they are free and lose they will release their grips on your lower back, hips and pelvis and allow them to go back into alignment naturally. Once they are realigned nothing will be irritating your sciatic nerve and your pain will go away. You just have tight muscles that need to be stretched out. Stress causes this too by the way. Hope you feel better and hope this helps you. GOOGLE: inversion therapy online health : to read more info. and click some of the other pages on the site for sciatica info. and other help!!!
  • I'd have to say no, but I admit my answer is biased. In my opinion, anything/anyone can be "bad" for someone unless they understand the purpose. So, if you go to a Doctor of Chiropractic with a broken leg, yeah that would be bad. In contrast, if you went b/c you were interested in protecting your spine from the potentially damaging effects of time, aging, gravity, poor posture and such, the answer would be no. If interested I wrote an article in June of last year titled, "Can Chiropractic Save Your Life?" Check out Lastly, not all chiropractors are the same. Generally speaking, when someone has a "bad" experience they simply assume it will be the same across-the-board regardless of profession. This is called stereotyping and is unwarranted.

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