• Gee, a whole two weeks? You've got the dreaded ZOTM syndrome (zombies on the mind). I recommend a long ocean voyage with no zombie movies. Btw, lucid dreaming is not the same as vivid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a rare situation where the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming, without actually waking up.
  • Usuaully zombies in dreams represent some type of fear. You killing them might mean in your real life you need to conquer some type of fear.
  • Dreaming may have universal ''meanings'' for all, rather, checks and confirmations on your current emotional state rather than the future as most seem to believe, but I never really believed it meant much of anything aside from the perplexity we define them with, out of lack of knowledge on the matter. But, most people have individual dreams as well and meanings for them, if you're to believe the scientific suggestion that centuries of life on Earth has given way to interpreted adaptation, woven by our own hand, if it makes any sense. We see something that could merely be the workings of the brain as it rests and does its rebooting so to speak, but have given meanings and interpretations to this over the centuries to make it significant enough to ourselves. Like a man made god. I dream about zombies regularly, and maybe my love of zombie films is some sorta subconscious metaphor relaying my thoughts to my dislike of society. But I'm a part of society just as much, so I'm certainly not excluded, which is why I often get bit by the zombies and NOTHING HAPPENS. I've learned that what I see in real life may not necessarily be the truth; everyone is a zombie except me, but if I don't get turned into one in my dreams after they bite me and rip my limbs off, then I must already BE one. Kinda how like we always think everyone sucks but ourselves, and dismiss the whole of it as truth. You're killing them in your dream, maybe this suggests social rebellion or discontentment. Are you afraid in your dream? And, when killing the zombies, are you succeeding or are there always more coming? If it is an individual meaning or echoes of your daily thoughts being pruned by your brain, it's the kind of thing you really need to find out yourself, because conditioned individual images may be caused for various reasons, depending on your perception of zombies in this case, your enjoyment OF zombies or lack thereof, not to mention what it might really -mean- if anything at all and what these zombies are attempting to illustrate. It starts with your stance on things, because if dreams really do mean something, it certainly works throughout the subconscious. I have my own meanings for dreams, but I can't come up with one for someone else, not when most dreams seem to thrive on a personal level, but I hope it helps a little.
  • Bwhaha, I kill zombies all the time. Like..some of them are set up like they're in a concentration camp...well, I guess the other way around, The people are in the camps. But i'll be in like a old home with a group of people killing them and last night I pushed one into a giant hole and it bounced back up, just like flubber. I was like this is dumb. Then I shot the bastard in the face!
  • I don't watch zombie movies as I see each one is the same o same. But it could be like me playing game on my computer and have dreams like I am playing on on the computer or tablet. Lol
  • I have had lucid dreams and they are nothing like an asleep dream.

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