The winning lottery ticket!
Fireworks Batteries Your annoying little sister or brother.
A baby.
good porn movies.
your vibrater
Fellow campers.
this lil guy...
my hot dog...oops
Propane tanks yo...
Your pants.
Gin. You get a much bigger camp fire.
Your sister.
A mini can of Axe body spray. I know this from personal experience.
Yourself. Drunks + fire = burnt drunks.
That empty aerosol can.
Gallons of $4 gasoline.
Your car keys!
Limburger cheese. Pewwww. ;)
An arreosol can unless you like getting hit with hot burning metal
Firecrackers, batteries, the family dog or any dog for that matter:-)
your tent and sleeping bag
Here it goes and listen up I probably build them about 200 days out of each year for the past 40 years: No fat lighter wood larger than your pinky. It will blow up and explode. Glass. No beer bottles please. Oil, it smokes too much. Your drunk friend. Gas from any type of container. Your drunk friend's tent while he was falling out in the woods. Your mother. Plastic to see if it will reshape? Have you lost your mind?
Try not to throw up in the camp fire. Nasty.
Shot gun shells
Plastic bottles.. that smell stinks!
Your drunk friends. I've seen a few of them fall into the campfire.
Your alcoholic mother in law's dirty dentures....
Don't pee on a fire to put it out. If you do, don't stand downwind or be downwind from someone else doing it.
Don't pee on a fire to put it out. If you do, don't stand downwind or be downwind from someone else doing it.
A stick of dynamite with a one second fuse.
Your styrofoam cooler.
things you don't want to burn...
Your grandmother (irish joke)
anything that isnt water.
Your nan.
Oil or fat
Besides petrol and diesel?
asbestos :)
yo butt//
things that burn.
Hmm there are so few things...
id say your own big toe on your left foot. . (personal experience lol) or full cans of spray deoderant or a packet of gas lighters. surre it looks fun but its not great unless you like toasted skin. . . :)
aerosol cans, any sealed can, any accelerant, such as alcohol or gasoline, sealed bottles, plastics, paints, creosote, pressure treated lumber.......
Two things I have personally seen that should never be thrown on a fire: Your friends it was funny while we were drunk but It really sucked hearing him whine until his eyebrows grew back! Once while I was at a party someone threw a can of mace into the fire there were about 200 of us there and we all got a healthy dose...Highly reccomend against!!!
your ex
Gasoline Aerosol cans. Lighter fluid. Charcoal lighter fluid. Wood alcohol. Turpentine Fireworks, ammunition and other explosives. AND anything with language similar to this on the label: "Flammable: Do not use near fire ior flame." Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: Because you asked.
Aerosol Cans unless you want metal shards embedded in your face after the explosion
Bullets ? :)
A massive wad of £10 notes? Or $10 bills for you Americans... Or what about...70lbs of Plastic Explosive....that should make a bang.
Anything you plan on keeping the next day......LOL
Any bad memories you have laying around, I put them in a box, lock it and then burn them so they will not haunt me anymore.
Your voice box
A bullet or an aerosol can. Especially hairspray or Whipped cream... *Just in case you were asking because you wanted to try it. That is how I know.
Hand grenades.
your annoying grandma while sitting at the fire with your family
bullets and children
Grease or oil. Don't throw plastic or styro cups or plates in it, either. Pyrogens from styro are actually toxic.
A 5 gallon gas can full of gas....True story.
a person?
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