• Honestly, I'm not sure if it canseriosuly changed your personality unless you recieve some brain damage of some kind, but I'm not sure. I've got a friend who, while she didnt do any drugs her mother did, and is a "crack baby". She lacks focus, and not just for everyday things but anything regaridng to life itself,she doesnt seem to understand how serious some things are, doesnt fully understand peoples feelings, and I've often had a conversations where it looked like she was listen but a few seconds later she either responded with 'whatttt?" or started running after some woodland creature. She's pretty creative, I'll give her that but she's on a different wave length then the average person...even the most flighty (including myself).
  • Oh for surely for surely. Once you brain cels start eaten up, they dont groe back ifn atall. Damage areas do not come baack. It effects all that ewe do, an says, and ebilitees and everyting. Sorry but dat is da truth.

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