Look science wasnt always "FLAWLESS" "Scientists" also used to believe that all planets revolved around earth... ok? then another scientist came along and proved them wrong. No body stood their and denied the science behind the wheel and accepted the science of earth being the central planet...some facts are accepted and some are denied. When scientists have inarguable proof that evolution IS real and humans WERE monkeys, then everyone will believe it. Even scientologists cant agree on a common ground...
I don't consider myself religious or a Christian but I do believe in god and I believe in both creation and evolution and science. It's very simple, science is the study of God's creation. Science doesn't replace god, it is god.
I think you'll find it is a very small minority of christians who think that way. Most christians (and 99% of those I know) accept the age of the earth, evolution and the like as evidence establishes the truth of them. They hold that information with their belief in god quite comfortably for the most part. Some don't, that is true - they are a minority and their rather strident voices will be increasingly ignored as more knowledge reaches more people more effectively.
Science has only been around a few hundred years, and each year rewrites many of the "truths" it taught a generation ago. The Bible is not a book of Science. It is a book of God's interaction with human beings. Each Christian is an individual. You cannot say that all CHristians "cherry pick" because the same can be said for any group of people. I have no problem with the age of the earth, nor with the data that scientists say supports evolution. I only disagree with the interpretation of that data, particularly when there is so little to work on sometimes.
You're running on a false premise. It's not that most Christians reject science, it is that when faced with an apparent contradiction between a scientific theory and our God's word - we choose our God's word. We believe God can do just about anything He wants. If he wants the earth to appear to be 6 billion years old, then it does. If he wants it to look like the Big Bang started everything, then he does. I am not rejected the science, we are just reaching different conclusions when faced with the evidence. In addition, I could, and most Christians will tell you if asked, care less if you prove your theories right. It doesn't detract from my salvation or my happiness on this earth one bit. If you are correct and the Big Bang started it all and life is random and we die at the end and that is all there is, then fabulous. We are both in the same boat: screwed in the end. If I am right and God did it all, there are going to be a lot of pissed off people after all is said and done. As for evolution: I can see an airplane lift off the ground. I haven't seen evidence of specieal leaps (dinosaurs to birds). No one has fossilized evidence of mass mid-evolutionary change. The theory proves there must have been attempt after attempt after attempt to get the right mutation that lead to the next species. Where are the mutations?
Because a lifetime of trusting a belief system is a very difficult habit to break.
I'm not a scientist, nor do I understand how my computer works, exactly. I am not a mechanic, either, but I drive a car. Thank you for pulling my happy go lucky world right out from under me. I feel like Gilligan who was flying until Skipper told him he couldn't. Thanks a lot! So, basically, your point is that we can't use a computer if we don't understand it and don't accept your religion of evolution?
Humans invented airplanes and computers, we know the science behind that. We don't even know a tiny fraction of what there is to know about the universe, and I do not think we will ever know the truth as to where we came from, or at least we won't know for very long time. A new discovery could prove everything we now know wrong. You guys think you know all the answers, but in the face of the universe our knowledge is small. Either path I choose, I am believing in something that may not even be true. Therefore, I choose to believe the idea that at least gives me the most hope and happiness.
Not all science is responsible science. That said ... Most Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. Catholics believe the book of Genesis tells religious truth and not necessarily historical fact. One of the religious truths is that God created everything and declared all was good. Catholics can believe in the theories of the big bang or evolution or both or neither. On August 12, 1950 Pope Pius XII said in his encyclical Humani generis: The Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God. Here is the complete encyclical: And here is the Address of Pope John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on October 22, 1996 speaking of the Theory of Evolution: The Church supports science in the discovery of God's creation. At this time, the theories of the big bang and evolution are the most logical scientific explanations. However tomorrow someone may come up with better ideas. As long as we believe that God started the whole thing, both the Bible and responsible modern science can live in harmony. The Clergy Letter Project an open letter endorsing the Theory of Evolution signed by over 10,000 clergy from many different Christian denominations: With love in Christ.
23Skidoo, your question is a trap and many of the users that have answered with different beliefs than you has received a rude comment from you. Please remember that this site is home to a variety of people, cultures and religions. Please be prepared for answers of various opinions. Yes, you are welcome to disagree if you choose, but please do so tactfully. A debate is perfectly fine but please be respectful.
Because a good part of science is man denying God! not all but a good part.
How can you even put those things together? They aren't even close to the same thing. Can you prove evolution or the age of the universe. No, nobody has any proof! The machines that supposedly tell us how old things are made by people from our time who want certain results and even the smartest evolutionists in the world will tell you there is no proof. If anything there is proof against it. A well known evolutionist even agreed on a national geographic special that no living thing has ever added chromosomes to change into something else. Yet if we came from apes that would have to happen. Speaking of cherry picking, why are you asking a question a picking what one or a couple Christians might think and putting them all together? If you want to go after someone how about going after the scientists who talk about the big bang theory and evolution when they are only suppose to go by facts even though they admit there is no facts for either of these things. So in reality they aren't even science!
Hopefully, a clarification of my question: Science is a process for discovering unknowing things. Some of those discoveries involve how life has reached the level of specification and diversity we see today. Other discoveries involve how subatomic particles work together. There is no absolute proof of either set of discoveries. They are both made up of bodies of theory, evolution and quantum, respectively. My question, once again, is why do so many Christians reject one body of theory (and often vehemently build straw men to knock down like that we came from apes or monkeys) and yet merrily accept the other and the benefits it gives us, like the computers we type on? (To be completely honest most - though not all - anti-evolution Christians merrily accept the benefits of that theory too in the form of modern antibiotics and other medical treatments that involve the viral and bacterial evolution.)
Most of us don't. We just interpret it differently. Science says 'big bang'. God said, 'Let there be Light'. How are these not the same thing? Science says 'abiogenesis'. God says He made man out of the dust of the earth. That's generally correct. Moses didn't have a degree in genetics, what do you WANT??? And it is well accepted that there is a very large gap between Gen 1 and 2. You believe that computers were intelligently designed, is it really such a stretch to believe that the human body, a far more complex system, is ALSO designed?
because for Christians the SCIENCE behind computers, airplanes, stars, air we breathe, water we drink, life we have IS and man may not can PROVE there is a God but they cannot DISPROVE HIM either...there are too many LOGICAL explanations for the Almighty..
They have to cherry pick! they use to know the world was flat and the centre of the universe and the sun went aroun it! They dont claim that anyomre and now just pretend the bible does not say that! LOL
there has never been a society heathen or civilized which did not believe in or reach toward a higher is built into us, a natural thing .it is a part of us that cannot be sated with any amount of power,prestige, or gold...WE THIRST has always flitted from one thing to another trying to fill that void! David..Psalms42:2 "my soul THIRSTETH for GOD." GOD ..."Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of GOD." a true sad story.. A famous German PHILOSPHER who sat despondant and ALONE on a park bench, a policeman came by, did not recognize him as a regular said,"move along man, what are you doing here?" the philospher replies sadly, "I wish I knew." HE was thirsting and recognized his NEED (as we all have) for something , BUT HE REFUSED THE "ONLY" SOURCE THAT COULD SUPPLY IT, he was an ATHEIST.... John 4:14 Whosoever drinketh the water that I shall give him shall never thirst;but the water that I shall give him shall be IN HIM a well of water springing up into everlasting life."
I really don't understand what the problem is between science and God. There is a Chrysler commercial from the 80's which asks: Instead of being one thing or the other, why can't something be one thing AND another? Lee Iacocca was a friggin' genius! Why can't we see that the big bang and evolution was God's way of creating the universe? Why is that so scandelous? Is it that far-fetched? I don't happen to belive that man came from ape, but so what? What about the rest of man's evolution? The missing link has never been found, so this idea is as plausible as any.
I dont really think you should generalize all Christians into one catagory; Im all for evolution and all that jazz
Ahh, 23, once again you are generalizing "Christians." Christians are as individual as any other group of people you choose to lump together. Some Christians may do that, but I have to say that it implies a lack of faith. If God is God, He is big enough for any question you want to throw at him. I, for one, studied science at a college level (we've discussed this before you and I). I don't have any problem at all reconciling science and God. As far as I'm concerned, science is just exploring God's toolbox. And science doesn't explain everything either.
The Law of Aerodynamics, which allow airplanes to fly, and the Laws of Logic, which allow computers to operate, ARE LAWS. They have been proven to be true, through the scientific method. The Theory of Evolution or the Theory of the Age of the Universe are Theories, not Laws. This means that they are simply ideas, that have not been proven to be true, through the scientific method. The question should not be as to why many Christians do not believe these ideas, but as to why many worldly people believe these ideas with no proof to back them up!
I simplified my first answer, and met resistance due to the simplification. Let me use one of the Evolutionists 'heroes' to prove my point. According to Stephen Hawking in A Brief History of Time, "a theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model which contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations". He goes on to state, "any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis; you can never prove it. No matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. On the other hand, you can disprove a theory by finding even a single observation which disagrees with the predictions of the theory". The "unprovable but falsifiable" nature of theories is a consequence of the necessity of using inductive logic. The theory of evolution has small-scale observations that do not contradict the theory. As Darwin put it, "The origin of the Species", not 'the origin of all life'. Evolution can be observed as small changes, as between species. To carry evolution to explain the creation of all life is stretching that "unprovable but falsifiable" theory well beyond what Darwin, or anyone else, ever meant it to be. The entire argument behind Evolution vs. Creation is not wholly a scientific argument. Actually, it is more a Religious, or Spiritual argument. Some men want to prove that our existence can be explained outside of God. In this day and age, many people want to 'just do it', or do what feels good, without thinking of the consequences. They want to 'prove' that there is no God, and therefore no hell and no need for morals. Again, I have simplified the answer, as to explain this better would take too much space, and numerous books and articles already exist on this topic. If anyone is really interested in understanding the whole argument, go to Google 'Christian vs evolution. As for the question above, it is foolishness. Like trying to argue how apples can be sweet when grapefruits are bitter. The elements of the argument have nothing to do with each other.
Yeah, so Now I'm 'double nut'! Before, you used to think I was just a nut! Look My Friend, I ain't the least concerned over what you might think of me, I've proven myself countless in life over even the most "professional" of people in their fields and over the most acclaimed of sportsmen as well, in their fields. I don't need to prove myself beyond those 10's of 1000's of times, now. I know who I am. I also know WHAT IS. I am merely trying to help whoever will listen on here. If you don't want to that is your choice. I have many other people even outside this network that I need to daily help - for various reasons. I honestly don't have time to argue back and forth over the merits of EACH of the many researches done by these many, many scientists who dispute evolution. I'm sure you'll find them. As for "creditable": You mean creditable according to these same 'ning-nongs' who are currently in power in their ivory towers throughout the world - you actually mean, other evolutionists ... people who would not believe if it was all there in front of their noses. You speaking of people with totally closed minds, you know. I've experienced them countless too. All is just a time waste with them.
I wouldn't give you -1000. Why would I want to feed your genius-martyr complex? . You're right that some geniuses were persecuted for their stands. By the church, usually. . And I am perfectly qualified to comment on your man/snake hogwash. I did read it. And reading 10X more of the same will not make it any less a fantasy. . If you did "disprove evolution" as you claim, you would be on the cover of Time magazine, you would be getting interview requests from Nature, you're would be a household name, like Darwin's. Since you are not all that, ask yourself, is it more likely that it's because all those highly paid and world controlling biology professors control the media so much that the sensational and highly profitable story of the century is being kept under wraps or that you're simply wrong?
i dont think its just christians.
Um,wait a minute. I'll attempt to answer just a bit of this. Science behind airplanes and computers (which isn't really science, its just electronics) is quite a bit more concrete than evolution and the age of the universe. Apples and oranges there. AND, not ALL Christians deny evolution (there are many kinds.. macro vs. micro, and darwinism and evolutionism aren't the same thing either), and not all Christians deny the age of the universe either. So you might want to be a bit more specific.
Well, depends on what is "considered true", and what is fact. Science is merely the study of life, nothing is absolute in science. The most something can be is very very sure of, such as gravity, and things of that nature. However what science has failed to explain is Where all the matter came from, science knows for sure the universe had a beginning. And we know that matter is not infinite. So we must ask ourselves, how did everything come out of nothing? It is philisophically impossible to say nobody x nothing= Everything!!
Not cherry picking God is the Alpha & Omega time space it's self when we study science we study God. For instance if there was a big bag thier be a universal black whole aka quantum singularity in the center of the unverise and we could hear it. So where it it? Quantum Mechanics was excluded on or in the big bang theoryy the idea was cherry picking in its self.
Hypocrisy that's why. They're very quick to deny evolution whilst accepting everything good and positive it brings with it. Some will be as insulting as to claim that it's because 'god sent them the help in the way of the scientists, medications, etc.' Please! If hypocrisy hurt, religion would have been extinct for a long time now
theres a slight difference between science and technology. technology is tangible, and observable. but evolution and the age of the universe are not. scientists cant even agree on the age of the universe whilst those who follow the bible have not disagreed in a loooong time. you can see the computer work, you can see the plain fly, but you cant see evolution. you can see adaptation, but you cant see a single cell magically turn into the variety of living beings we see today. there isnt any proof to evolution or the age of the universe, you would do well in at least being honest about the fact that they are both based entirely on guesswork and not at all observation. fossils? they only show that that living being once existed in that form. that is all. it is only the biased observer that can possibly claim to know where that came from or in regards to its ancestral past or nature.. dna? it only shows similarities in content.. at the most. you cannot claim to be my ancestor if you look physically like me.. well, same applies to species.
Because their Faith can't handle The Facts that's why
Original Question before any future if any changes is: " Why do Christians 'cherry pick' the science they accept? Like, accepting the science behind airplanes and computers but denying evolution or the age of the universe. How can anyone believe god made light from distant stars 'in transit' but use a computer? " Cherry Pick: I interpret that as meaning taking the best(most accurate &or most honest) interpretation of something when there are many competing interpretations .My understanding is that many Christians have learned from experience not to believe every new or old idea or theory or concept right off because they have learned there is false information among almost all info given.This is true in science & all belief systems. Your question though needs to be expanded when you include Christianity since experience has taught me that There are 3 basic types of people when looking from the spiritual viewpoint not the viewpoint of science. The 3 types are True Believers False Believers & Unbelievers. A question I ask at times when I encounter an expert with years of experience in certain fields is " What is the most important thing you have learned ". I asked this of a woman who had worked in a Christian Drug Rehab clinic for 30 yrs dealing with street addicts. She said dont accept any body right off. I also when to the ohter extreme and asked a man who spent his life selling occult & challenging mind games in a game shop he owned for many years. I asked this man the same question and he said : " Be extremely careful who you are dealing with. "The answer is basically the same just different wording. This indicates to me that deception is indicated to exist. It would not be wiae to accept something as true just because it is called science or as the saying goes in the book of Proverbs " The Fool believes whatever he hears ".It needs to be investigated further since science is still changing as new discoveries are made.Therefore with science like almost everything else one needs to cherry pick what is true & discard what is false. I dont fully understand the last question.So I wont attempt to answer it. Gave you a point i.e 37 to 38 pts for the challenging question.
Because that's what some religious people choose to do to suit their own personal beliefs...however twisted that need be for that person to feel comfortable with whatever it is they are doing.
Because they'd have to live in caves and have nothing and die very young if they didnt believe in some science. they just reject the stuff that they think goes against god. to me they are very pathetic and fantasy prone.
Well, not all christians believe that the creation story is entirely true. But imagine the universe exploding from a dot the size of the head of a pin. Is that any less outrageous? Or that we all evolved from bacteria? How did water just start to form on our earth? It goes either way. I like computers and am christian. Also most sciences of today are cold, hard fact. Anything in prehistoric times is speculation, and therefore nobody knows the true answer.
Christians are just lost man.
They are a strange and mysterious people, with unexplained logic and ways of thinking.
because they quote and believe in a book called the Bible , which is so full of hypocritical contradictions and fairystories they just can't help themselves
because evolutionists and scientists and non believers "cherry pick" God and HIS WORD...... u are adamant in ur beliefs , so are WE.... i personally hate trying to reason spiritually with atheists, they have not the spirituality to understand...and we are not supposed to go round and round, debating and arguing, but move on, Much to learn and teach to others...IT IS A WASTE of Precious Time.. God will prove all things...WE know that in the Beginning and that WE can't....Faith is all WE Noah, Abraham, Moses,etc....we know HE is there...HE will see us through.... WE aren't the "cherry pickers"...for "WE Know Whom WE Have Believed"...i wish u Peace..:)Justme
I will most likely get DR'd for this answer. I'll deal spicifically with evolution. Mind you, this is an opinion. The case for Darwinian Evolution is bankrupt. The evidence for Darwinism is not only grossly inadequate, it's systematically distorted. I'm convinced that someone, in the not too distant future, people will look back in amazement and say---"How could anyone have believed this?" Darwinism is merely materialistic philosophy masquerading as science, and people are recognizing it for what it is. I should say that people who are willing to take a close look at Darwinism recognize it for what it is. Evolution is simply not as much of a going concern as it once was. The more science studies life and cosmologists study the universe and it's beginnings, the more the evidence points to intelligent design. Much to the chagrin of naturalistic scientists.
Why is it that you seem to assume that all Christians believe the same thing with respect to this? As others have point out, most do not. Second, I could turn it around and ask you the same thing. Why do many nonreligious people "cherry pick" the science that they accept? This is not a characteristic that is limited to religious people. People get ideas in their heads and then, no matter how convincing the evidence is to the contrary, they won't accept it. Such people will find any excuse to dismiss evidence that does not agree with their preconceived notions. So, it is not a characteristic that is limited to religious people.
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