I could live off of fruit! LOL Maybe that makes me a fruit, I don't know. Lets put this into perspective...I buy mango by the case! I could eat the entire case (16) in one sitting if I did not practice self control! As for veggies, I like veggies too, the older i get, the more I like them! :o)
Too many to count. I have fruit in the morning and all through the day. I eat veggies, at least 4-6 different kinds each day. Eating my veggies and fruits isn't a problem, especially in the summer when there is so much lovely produce around.
i probably have about 2-3 fruits and 4-5 veggies. i have a V8 and large salad everyday and i eat fruit constantly!
One maybe none, Im bad at that..I like fresh, so summer is the only time I really eat them..
I have this several times a day:
A good amount, but they had best be cooked!
A very high amount!
Five small servings of boiled casaba roots a day!
I'm a vegetarian.
2-3? But i take vitamins so it's cool ;]
3 or 4, often more. it's so easy to eat
4- 2in the afternoon and 2 in the evening
2-3 in various forms
Lately about one a week.
at least 2
At least 3 sometimes 4.
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