• Costco
  • I was just looking this up for my husband. They are actually made by Schwann's but aren't offered in their catalog of products. So, I contacted the customer service department. This is what was emailed back to me: Dear Christina: Thanks for your interest in our products. The Fiestada Pizzas are foodservice products which are unfortunately available only through a foodservice distributor. Your best bet would be to contact a local Sysco, US Foodservice, etc. and see if you can place an order and pick them up at will call. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know by visiting us online at or call 1-877-302-7426. Sincerely, Carla Schwan's Food Service Response Team
  • I am about to purchase some Fiestada's!!! They can be purchased at any GFS (, the MEC# I have through our local school is 109760 but that may just work in Ohio. They are called Beef sausage mexican pizza and they only come in a case of 96 and is priced at $61.99

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