YOu have to use a coat hanger to cip your pants.
1. When you look down and you can't see your toes 2. When you shop in the big and tall section and your not tall. 3. When you can't fit in the rides at 6 flags 4. When the airlines charge you for more than 1 seat
When I feel like I'm eating too much and not exercising enough.
When you step on a scales, and instead of a number, it says "This scale can only weigh one person at a time."
when my thongs start to dig in :(
When the photographers start charging you the group price for the solo photo shoot.
When you decide that you are not making yourself proud
When you start having trouble walking around and that your clothes stop fitting.
When all of your clothes are tight to get into and you are unhappy about your looks.
Once you see the first signs of stretch marks.
when I stand up and look down and no longer can see my ummmmmmmmmmmmm little friend ;)
when your girlfriends panties dont fit you anymore...
When you start suffering from TB .. ( Two Bellies ) ! -Or- When you are taking a nap on the beach and a group of "Save The Whales" activists keep trying to drag you back into the water.
When you need to sit down in the shower to rince your feet off.
When you start a vicous circle of; unhapiness and eating, both equaling the other.
When you have to use both hands to haul ass?
When I can't stand the sight of the scale any more.
When the numbers on your bathroom scale don't stop spinning...
When your joints start hurting from carrying the extra load.
When my fat jeans fit comfortably, then I know it is time to do some serious dieting.
Pictures don't lie. They are the ultimate motivater.
When your pants don't fit anymore, and you just don't feel very healthy.
when i look at my body and realize that i have put on some weight.
any of these.. - when you've been called fat - when you feel kinda fat or something - when you realise you've put on weight - when you don't fit into some of your old clothes - when you fit into clothes that would never fit you - when your always tired and can't do sports and stuff - when your not happy with your body. just lose weight when you feel like it, but never let anyone else bring your self esteem down about your body.
when youre prediabetic and know you have to
when you clothes no longer fit
When my O² levels drop below 90% more than they stay above 90%.
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