I will answer your question with one of my own. Why do little boys like action figures and spiders and snakes? Probably just in the genetic makeup!! our Y chromosome makes us adventurous and fighters!
I've always wondered this too.
Because Hasbro and Elizabeth Taylor told them they had to.
Maybe it has something to do with a prince on a white horse.
I was a little girl once and never liked horses or ponies, I still don't.
Most girls do but not all girls do. And boys like ponies too. Infact i know afew boys who adore horses and ponies ! And they're straight before you say any thing! I guess "Kids" like horses and Ponies because they want to ride something and they would rather it was a live creature !! A cute one at that! I love horses by the way !! xxxx
I realize that this doesn't even come close to answering the question, so DR if the need comes, but this has GOT to be just about the best commecial EVER!!!! Enjoy, then DR. ;-)
I don't know really.
I love horses and ponies and i am 12 years old i have liked them since i was 5 years old and have been riding for 7 years and i still love them. They are beautiful and really fun to be around....I have 2 horses of my own.
I am a boy who is 15 and I adore horses just like Bella said and I am straight. I dont know why I just love them to death. :D
i used to like horses when i was younger too, but i really don't know why either!
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