Do you really want to add insult to injury? If you want to break up with him, do so. I would leave out the cheating part personally.
no just break up with him. If you tell him you will damage him in future relationships and he will resent you for as long as he lives
You don't really need to, unless you want to be a big bitch about it.
no, just break up-why go out of your way to hurt anyone?
I would tell him you cheated, but after you decided to dump him. Explain that you only did it when you thought you were free of him. I think it will actually ease the pain of the break up knowing that you cheating on him. He will think you're a skank and not worth his time.
Nice. Just break up with him.
good one hope someone else does that to you...NO, leave the guy alone and move on
Good excuse (NOT!) Just break it off with him. No need to cause any more hurt and pain than the breaking up, iteself, will do.
no there is no reason to make him feel even worse than he already will when you break up with him.
I'd tell him, better he find out now than get over that you broke up with him then find out you cheated on him just before and stir up all that hurt and anger again.
why tell him something he is better off not knowing?
I think you should tell him, and while you're at it, give him a good kick in the nuts and slap his Mom. j/k Break it off with him, if he won't let go, then tell him. He'll get pissed off at you and he'll heal faster.
yes tell him that u cheated so he'll now that u r a slot. You won't hurt him this way.
Why add insult to injury? Unless he won't accept the break-up I would leave it alone. As long as he cannot find out through friends, I do not see why you should tell him. If someone he knows is aware of you cheating I would tell him instead of him finding it out from someone else.
What would telling him accomplish?
naa why rub salt in it
naww..if u had intentions to break up anyways telling him you cheated is just gonna cause drama and hes gonna talk shit and your gonna get a bad track record...leave it be and leave him
spare him the pain of thinking of you being the slut you are.
You should have sex with as many of his friends as possible, then gather them together for a group photo with you in the middle. Post the photo on Flickr. That'll teach him! BTW, where do you live? I'd like to be in the photo, too. :)
he deserves to know. but you obv dont give a shit about him. so dont. it would kill him to be dumped and told you cheated on him at the same time.
yes, tell him.
Hell no! It hurts enough to be dumped. Just tell him you are too young to get serious and that your sure he will find the right one for him soon.
if you are certain to dump him, no reason to add insult to injury. However, if for any reason, you decide to stay, it is a must that you come clean about your back stabbing.
If you break up with him, what's the point in telling him that you slept with someone else? It will only hurt him further. Are you getting drunk often and sleeping around regularly? If you are, you may have a serious drink problem. Be careful.
he deserved the truth..tell him and let him decide..coz what you did was stupid...
i wouldn't tell him you cheated.whats the point?apart from easing your own conscious it will not help the fact it will make him feel even worse than if you just broke it off with him.the nicest thing you could do for him is to let him think that while you were together it was good.
No.What would be the point?
well, i personally think you should end it with him. Don't even mention the fact that you cheated because that will make him SO insecure. When someone comes along who will treat him right, he wouldn't be able to trust her because of what you did. also, it would be a good idea to not put yourself in another drunken situation when you are with someone. it's just retarded. have some respect for yourself and for whoever you choose to be with.
Why hurt him more? What is the point. I would say NO.
why would you tell him you cheated just break up with him and be gone & done with him you don't have to hurt him to
No. Let him go feeling some dignity. It's likely he'll find out over time any way.
He's going out of your life? WHY?? Why would you give him that ammo on you?
If you are going to break up with him there is no point in telling him you cheated on him. Give it time and if you still feel the need to . than you can go ahead and tell him about your cheating incident.
No ur past its done let it go and ask 4 forgiveness 2 GOD
if you think he will go down hard, tell him you cheated and he might want to break up with you then say something like im sorry i cheated and i wouldnt blame you if you broke up with me. if he is clingy then just break up with him
Hell no. Then he might try to forgive you and say you can still be together. Then you'll have to say "Actually..." and break his heart. Just break up with him, it's kinder.
I can't tell if you're BRAGGING or COMPLAINING!
If you are not going to get back together with him or ever sleep with him, then there's no since in adding insult to injury. But if you decide to stick around or even sleep with him, then he has the right to know.
and what, add insult to injury? let it be
just break up he doesnt have to know
Only if he asks. If he asks then he has the right to know. +5
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