• I have had problems with getting Briskett tender until I found "Emril's"'s a mixture of vegtable oil, tomatoes, lemon juice, vinegar (small amount), jalapeno peppers, onion and water. You use the most of the tomatoes, lemon juice and vinegar, as they help to make the meat tender. Blend all of this in a blender or food processer and marinade the meat over night in the refrigerator! I have had great luck in tenderizing my Brisketts in this mix. Most foods that are "acidic" are best for marinading cuts of meat that tend to be tough! I hope this helps!
  • Brisket is pretty easy and simple but time consuming. Use a dutch oven if you have one, otherwise and good pot big enough to hold your brisket with a lid that can go in the oven. > Heat the oven to 375˚ > Brown all sides of the brisket in hot oil in the pot on the stove > Remove the meat and put 1 or 2 chopped up brown onions in the oil and cook until soft, 5 to 10 minutes > Add to the pot about 1 1/2 cups beef broth and 1/2 cup white wine > 1 1/2 teaspoon salt & 1/2 teaspoon pepper > After liquid has come to boil add meat back in >Bring to boil again then put lid on and put in the 375˚ over for 2 1/2 hours. That's it.
  • Buy a brisket 5 pounds or larger Depending on you pan size. Trim off excess fat but not all of it. Wash thoroughly in cold water and pat dry with a paper towel. Sprinkle a couple of table spoons of thyme and oregano on the meat. Place meat in a pan, Then add 1 or 2 bay leafs on top. Cover pan with foil and tie with a string. Place in oven at 250 degrees for 8 hours. Don't peek! When you open the foil you will have a perfect brisket that is tender. easy to slice, can be kept in refrigerator and makes wonderful sandwiches cold. Use the grease in the pan to make great gravy.
  • you might find directions online on how to make them

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