• Yeah,especially if its night time,and people are trying to sleep.
  • YES! Very irritating.
  • Unless the person they're picking up lives in the middle of the Martian desert, at least 2,000,000 kilometers away from all other sentient life, then yes.
  • its very inconsiderate and attention seeking
  • I don't understand why they don't just call on their cell phone... that's what I do.
  • The guy who does this to my daughter when he comes to pick her up for a date will sit in his car all night.
  • OOOHHHH YES!! Especially if it is during an time that I am sleeping!!
  • Rude, inconsiderate and very annoying.
  • It's incredibly rude. People could be asleep at any time of the day or night because they work different shifts, or kids could be napping, or someone could be sick and desperately needing rest.
  • G'day Faerie Whings, Thank you for your question. It might be OK to honk once but no more. However, a better option might be to call them on your mobile phone or cell phone when you are outside or even come to the front door. That way the neighbours don't have to listen to your horn honking for five minutes. Regards
  • If some 17 year old tries that crap with my daughter, the date will be cancelled. She better tell him he better stop the car, walk to the door, and knock. My daughter will WAIT in her room, for at least 10 minutes, while I interrogate the potential date. Yeah, you bet he'll be to worried to take his pants off before the evenings end because I'll make sure his shorts are soiled before they leave.
  • Yes I do. It reminds me of what I've heard my Mother say before. That the person, instead of honking should just knock on the door or ring the doorbell and then wait inside until the person that they are picking up are ready to leave.
  • I don't do it unless asked to do it and I don't like it at all when someone does it to me.I'll say something about.
  • I think its rude if its someone you're not complete friends with who expect this sort of thing from you. Dates, parents, relatives... I won't do it. Picking up buddies before going out for the night? I lay on the horn and yell out the window until they're in the car.
  • I hate that. Sometimes i wish they never came for me.
  • Yes ! I think they are rude and too damned lazy to walk to the door and ring the bell or at least dial a cell phone. I think they should be severely flogged !!!
  • Yes, I think it is rude. It wouldn't kill the person to come knock on the door, instead of honking as if I were someone not worthy of respect. I also think it is rude to disturb my neighbors because the driver is too lazy to come to the door. If the driver is someone picking me up to take me to work or whatever, I would be ready and watching for them to arrive, so there should be no need for anyone to honk at me.
  • It is a sign of impatience.
  • Yes I think it's very rude, but if thst person knows that you are coming to pick them up at a certain time, and you've even called them from 1/2 mile away, you shouldn't have to wait on them. My sister's granddaughter and her mother are terrible about that. The granddaughter will even call and ask one of us to come and pick her up and then not be ready when we get there. I live in an apt., the neighbors 5AM ride would pull up under my bedroom window and honk until he came out until I called the police on them. I haven't had any problems with them since.
  • My husbands ex does that .... it bugs the hell out of me...LOL:)
  • AAAHHH! I just got into a fight last weekend because my neighbor's friends do this every weekend or they ring my dorrbell instead fo his at 4 in the morning!But it doesn't wake me up because the bass from his stereo is vibrating the fillings out of my mouth anyways!!!
  • Absolutely. How hard is it to go to the door and knock? At three in the morning or midday, I don't care what time it is, just pay a little respect to those around you. Sheer laziness and rudeness rolled into a little ball.
  • Oh, I hate that so much!!! It is VERY VERY rude... makes me want to grab an axe lol, time to go chopping!!!!!!!!!
  • Pardon the obscenity, but fuck yes!
  • Fuck yes.
  • I think its very rude. That happens every morning at my new neighbors house, so anyone in the vicinity gets a wake up honk at around 7 o'clock every morning...ugh
  • It is more than just rude, it also proves to me a lack of respect on the honkers part. They need to get their lazy a@@ out of the vehicle and walk the 10 whole steps to the door so they can meet me when they open it!
  • If it is early or very late. Personally, I don't do it but as long as it is during the day I don't care if others do it.
  • Yep. I wonder if it's equally rude to pretend to not hear the honking until the doorbell FINALLY rings?
  • Its not only rude, its a violation of the law. Instead of getting out of their automobile and going to the front door, they are too lazy to do anything else, other than lay on the horn. Some cab drivers do this and have been routinely cited. You failed to mention that these "honkers" also block the road, instead of pulling to the curb or pulling into a driveway.
  • One of my former neighbors carpooled and the driver did this every freaking morning. My neighbor always ran late, so the guy would just sit there honking away. Drove me crazy! It is incredibly rude.
  • Ugh... my ex girlfriend used to do this. I asked her to stop, because I felt like it was rude, lazy, and showed a pretty serious lack of class. Turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg, LOL. Yes, people should NEVER do this unless it's agreed upon beforehand for some reason.
  • It's a rude, anti-soical, and lazy practice. It is probably also illegal as many places have laws stating that the automobile horn is to be used only for warning purposes.
  • Completely rude. My children were never allowed to aknowledge a horn from the street. If someone was picking them up, they had to come to the door!
  • Yes...I assuredly do! If someone is doing me a favor driving me somewhere and I know they are coming...a single say "I'm here!" wouldn't bother me horribly, because if we plan to just leave immediately, I should be ready to walk out of the house! However, if it is a DATE situation, it is rather rude and crass.
  • I am habitually and boringly 'on time'...if they are early and honk more than once they would get an earful when I emerge.
  • yes it wouldnt take them five minuets to knock on the door would it?
  • Yes. Do you know a person like this? I sure do. Not personally, but I do know that he's my next door neighbor's daughter's boyfriend. of them. I guess he's not good enough to make a whole man. And neither are the others she is dating.
  • No, of course not. I'm very used to it. My father does this all the time.
  • Yes. And its super rude when they do it at 8:30 in the morning when I'm trying to sleep.
  • Yes. When I was a teenager, living with my parents, if one of my friends come over to pick me up and sat in their car honking the horn, I was not allowed to go outside. They could honk until they were arrested for disturbing the peace, as far as my father was concerned. I must say, I agreed. If they were too lazy and rude to come to the door, they could just sit.
  • especially when u live in an apartment. pisses me off big time.
  • Yes. Just get out of the damn car and walk your lazy self up to the door.
  • I think it's rude as hell to make somebody wait when you KNEW what time they were going to friggin' be there!
  • Yes, I think it is rude. Especially to the neighbors if it is late at night or early in the morning. Get out of the car and go to the door - it only takes a second.
  • yes, and i blame the parents for not teaching them some basic manners
  • I sure do. If someone does that with me, they are going to get an earful.
  • yes and no
  • Yes. Once or twice should be good enough. It's better to use your cell phone if they don't respond.
  • yes, it's very rude. that's one of my pet peeves. i hate it, people that do that are very lazy and inconsiderant of others.if someone would come to my house and just sat in their car and blow their horn i would stay in the house. then if they didn't get the point i would go tell them off.
  • Absolutely! they disturb the entire household and the entire neighborhood. There is a way to get some satisfaction though. there is a device like a mortar launcher that fires eggs. Well I think you can use your imagination from that point. Get the neighbors together to erect a sign, or petition your town council to put up a noise violation alert. You can report the offender to the local authorities anonymously if you like. Just get their plate number next time. If it is you, then have some consideration for G-D's sake.
  • Yes. Its rude to the neighbours. The MOST rude person, however is the one being treated to a lift, who doesn't even have the good grace to be ready to go.
  • yes.....its a complete sign of disrespect....I wouldn't go out of the house and I would and have gone outside when some asshole was honking for my sister and cussed them out...not many things truly bother me but this is one of them
  • Yep, I do. I would tell this person once to knock it off and come to door otherwise dump him/her as being rude, obnoxious and disrespectful. :)
  • Yeah it's rude, I've never had that happen to me however.
  • Absolutely!!
  • That is one of my pet peeves! It does nothing except to me the person is too lazy and too impolite to go to the door and knock. The one exception is if the person in the car is sick, hurt, disabled, elderly, etc.
  • Thay just ain't got no class!!!!
  • Quite rude!

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