Steel toe work boots, Red Wings yo...
Dress shoes.
Dance shoes.
Asics Onitsuka Tiger....
Steel cap lace up work boots. I work in a factory environment where work boots are required.
Heels always, but which ones (I have dozens to choose are my crack)depends on what I'm wearing that day. For example, I'm thinking tomorrow I'll wear the red Dior's with my black sheath dress and a red belt....maybe. I haven't decided yet;)
I get to wear sneakers or sandals if I want.
A few of the men's dress shoes I wear to work everyday.
formal leathers
Wing tips
Tennis shoes or work boots
Anything with safety toe, steel or nylon.
Usally heels . This time of year,sandals or mules about 3 to 4 inch.Pumps and boots in the winter.
Steel toe boots.
Sneakers. Man, how non Goth. Protip-Nawt Gawth.
White and black skate shoes.
My junky 2 year old tusbos that have been to the repair shop twice
Classic black Reebok high tops.
flip flops : )
bare foot or little white socks. i work from home :P +5
I don't wear any shoes to work; I always like to wear Timberland work boots.
Comfortable shoes.
I love my sneakers! :)
Steel toe boots
i wear a pair of black kitten heels which i recently got from the Catwalk collection at Shoppers Stop as the shoes there are really nice
Well.. when I worked: Boots, pumps or uggs when I could get away with it, and smart heels when there would be partners or sponsors in the office.
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