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  • Try the less is more system -- give your hand a rest some days -- then the other days there will be more.
  • try different styles of mastrubating
  • You've been given some good advice already and hopefully I can add to that: You might be taking to heart what you're watching. Remember that these are multi-shots spliced together and are about real-life sex. Slow down.. As in a previous answer, let yourself rest; even allow yourself to build up. When you have an erection, don't go for the porn and masturbate. Try not to touch your penis for awhile. Most importantly, slow down when you do masturbate to the speed you'd have during actual intercourse maybe even a little slower. I can almost guarantee you an explosion of joy but this may take awhile. Patience will pay off too. Good Luck!
  • Simple. Don't worry about it and keep watching porn so you can spew looking at the buxom, blue-eyed, blondes. What else would you rather spew at?
  • This is an old question but uh..if you haven't resolved your issue, though hopefully you have, I may have an answer! What you're experiencing is conditioning. You, like many, have conditioned yourself to rely on porn for a pleasurable orgasm. The solution? You have to un-condition yourself. How? Start off masturbation by watching porn as you normally do. But as you feel you're coming close to orgasm try turning it off or tuning out and fantasizing as you blow your load. Keep doing this, it takes patience. Eventually watch a bit of porn, then do more fantasizing and keep increasing the fantasizing...until hopefully, you don't absolutely NEED porn. Again keep in mind this takes lots of Patience!
  • Watch more porn.
  • You've learned an important fact of life, my friend: jacking off is better fun with porn. Now, on the the conundrum why it's a bad idea to stick your kreplach into the vacuum cleaner. Oh, it may seem glamorous at first ...
  • Only masturbate when you've got porn.
  • Im the same way. I have trouble having an orgasm during sex. But when I masturbate watching girl on girl and watching a guy give oral to a girl on porn I orgasm hard. Whats the deal.

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