havent we all? o.O
No, but that's because I'm usually near the front of the queue anyway. I suss out where the buffet is when I first arrive and then plan my route so I can make a bee-line straight for it when it's announced :0
not usually. but i've been known to start in the opposite direction...boy, does that make people reactionary!! :)
I ninja grab things as I go, weaving in and out of traffic, and if someone is taking too long at a given item of food, I steal off their plate (they usually don't notice and just keep getting more until they have as much as they wanted)
doesn't everyone?
*hangs head in shame* Yes, yes I have
No, I can wait.
all the time... everyone else does... only every great once in a while when you get the last of something i get dirty looks
i always do it unless its my girl freind
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