• To argue with others is normal, it probably helps them with relationships so they dont touch that subject again
  • I never argue with my husband. We disagree on things, but never argue. I don't think there is anything wrong with a healthy argument once in a while, but couples that argue all the time shouldn't be together.
  • They've discovered how different they are after finding out how much they have in common.
  • clears the air. If your nit picking all the time though, about stupid stuff then it's usually about something bigger. Compromise it is the best tool in a marriage. Get the small stuff squared away. If he doesn't like the toothpaste tube squeezed in the middle then big deal don't squeeze it there and if you want to hold hands while your walking then he can do what it takes to make you happy too. All about compromise but don't try to keep score who does what....that takes all the love out of it.
  • no arguing alot with anyone let a lone your wife/husband/b/f,g/f is not a good thing as it can make the important arguments seem trivial because they are being lost in all the other lady really have to push ours selves to even have a minor argument once a week and in fact we have had only two blues in all the years we have been together ...and both were my fault ...I know she told me so ...:):)
  • arguing is not a good thing. If it is happening all the time it indicates the couple is not working together and compromise is difficult. It is so stressful and unhealthily. A couple who is arguing a lot should get help to restructure the way they interact with each other.
  • If you are arguing, most likely no one is being heard. I won't say that loving couples don't argue but I will say that healthy relationships have more forceful discussions rather then arguments, and yes there is a difference. When arguing you are trying to force you point of view to be right; in a discussion, you are sharing perspectives without feeling you have to be right. If you are having more arguments then you are having poignant discussions, then I might suggest that you may be in an unhealthy relationship.

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