If you have central heat and air, you need to call a professional air conditioning company to have your unit checked. Also, look on the wall, under the thermostat. there is a switch that converts your unit from heat to air conditioning. make sure this switch is in the air conditioning position. the air conditioning, on some units, will not function, unless they are physically moved to the air conditioning position. If this is not the problem, then call a professional.
This isn't really something you can do yourself. Proper refrigerant levels are determined by pressures and require special equip. to check. Being as a/c is a closed system, the only time it should need ref. added is if you have a leak. Not sure of your location, but depending on ambient temperature and your homes insulation, the a/c system may not be large enough to cool your home. Also need to remember that with a/c you need to have all windows closed. The unit is designed to recirculate the inside air, cooling it a little more each time through. I would recommend a check-up by a qualified technician.
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