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  • "If you been with ur ex for 13 years, and are still having children with them, you Mi-iight be a redneck." ;) But, seriously, folks: Here's your sign.
  • Hmmm if you haven't seen the light already i don't think you ever will!! You are a doormat to him and he knows this, as you always take him back!!i fear that if i say forget him it would be useless, you know its not right, and he has destroyed your self-esteem, have you no dignity girl he is using you, open your eyes before you waste your life on the man slut.
  • i am the one that asked the question, but i needed to make it clear to the 2nd comment that i am a white woman, and the guy was a black man, and the kids i was talking about him having none are from me. he cheated on me and he always begs his way back in. yes i am the fool for allowing it, but now that i mean business and i am done he wont leave me alone. the thing is i always hoped that eventually with age he would grow up, but he didnt. i am not the only wonan that has ever let a man continue to run ocer her and use her b/c they love that person, but i am realizing 13 yrs later "whats love got to do with it" if your not getting out of the relationship what u are putting into it. im looking for encouragement from people to help me continue to say no and to le him go, support is what i need as well as maybe some theropy after these 13 yrs lol because al that he has done for me has ruined me. i have no trust in no one and how do u move on that away. i havent dated in so long or been single so i dont know where to start
  • Ok, he won't leave you alone although you have made it quite clear you don't want to be with him anymore. That's a tough situation. 1. Dont answer his calls 2. Dont answer the door when he comes by If he keeps pestering you have a VERY large guy at your door next time he comes by to get the point VERY clear.
  • I know how you feel. It is hard to walk away from someone you care about and it takes a lot of strengh and support to get through this. I hope you have family and friends that you can talk to. I have been in your shoes (not for 13 years), but you can do this. You deserve better. Just keep reminding yourself of that. There are to many great men in this world and one day when you aren't looking the right one will find you. I do recommend therapy. It helps understand why you keep repeating the pattern. I learned a lot about myself plus it is one person you can tell everything to and not worry about being judged. Good luck.
  • Hello! Anyone home? Have you heard the old saying, "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me"? Basically, it means, you dump the guy when he cheats on you the first time. You don't get back together with him, and he doesn't get to sh*t on you again.
  • Lemme get this straight... you've had three children with a man who cheats on you? What colour is the SKY on this planet you live on?
  • If you mess around every time he comes back around then he might be only coming back for the sex. It also sounds little he has a commitment problem and doesn't want to settle down. Why would you want to be with a guy that cheats on you and gets a girl pregnant and goes off to another girl? You deserve better then that. Tell him to hit the road and stop coming back in your life. If all else get a restraining order if he is crazy.

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