• Yes, you can.If you have the right attitude, will and wish.
  • because their is no future without a past to follow.......
  • Yes, how about it?
  • You can just giving it some time ...Time is the best healer .
  • Because it made me who I am evil sith Lord
  • Your past made you who you are today. Would you really want to forget the things (good or bad) that made you the person you are right now?
  • It was difficult at first but now, I am just forging on.
  • Thats easier said then done, it took me a long time to forget because of the situation.
  • Maybe its that thing called mental pain.
  • Because if we couldn't remember our past, we wouldn't be able to move on at all! It's what's happened in our lives that enables us to move on and make it better.
  • The past shapes our present and future. If you forget it how will you know how you got to where you are and will be?
  • Because you are dwelling on it too much. think positive and towards the future! try new things to improve yourself as a person and once again....think POSITIVE!!! it really makes life alot easyier and even fun!
  • Because it has happened repeatedly and now I am the idiot for believing things would be different!
  • If I forget the past, I wont learn anything from the mistakes I made. Then I end up making them again. That's no way live.
  • Huh? what past? is it my turn?
  • Boy does this question hit home. I have recently come to understand there are two schools of reason that can be applied to this everyday delimma. 1st Forgive and forget: the belief if we never mention it it will be forgotten in time. 2nd Mention the incident as often as possible till it no longer merits recognition or response. Frankly, remembering the past should prevent further incursions in the future. So long as that is the case the 1st school can be applied. Constantly reliving a bad situation is like the lessons was never really learned. Apply the 2nd school would be like repeating the same mistake over and over until those who are hurt by the action no longer care about them. Use your freedom of choice to decide whats best for you.
  • You shouldn't forget the past. The good is clearly worth revisiting on occasion, and the bad is a damned good warning system.
  • Because our past affects the people we become in the future
  • You have to try. I know that sometimes it is hard but, especially if it was an abusive relationship or something negative that really affected your way of living. There is a reason itis your past not your present or your future.Don't ever try and figure out what went wrong just keep moving forward and try to make your own self happy in your future =)
  • cos the past is to horid to forget
  • You tend to only think about the good times and how it "Could have been". REMEMBER the BAD TIMES too, How you felt. Did you feel Loved? Used? Abused? Respected?
  • Why does the mind retain memories? We have no controll over what we remember. Some events are more memorable than others. It's like asking your physical body not to make a scar over a surgical incision. It's just what the body does. Your mind makes a 'scar' of a memory and you can not will it to go away. Both will fade with time but you can not will them to go away.
  • Because what they did was so incredibly unethical.
  • Because isn't it just so much more fun to hold a grudge! With a grudge it could lead to fist fights...Oh how fun!
  • cause the past makes you what u are today. also the past can remind u of the asshole who did shit to u and u will not take it if the same situation came into play so it is good in a way to remember the past.
  • Because it took a Proctologist to fix what you did to me.
  • u have to remember it to learn from it otherwise u are doomed to repeat it... and idk about u but the things in my past that i would like to forget, i would rather have to deal w/ remembering than live thru again.
  • I think I'm having trouble forgetting the past because my present isn't anything that great or that bad. If and until I have something in my life that is exciting and interesting to me, I just grind on.
  • you must love them very deeply
  • Because the past is such a big part of who you are at the present, and why you are that, and why you are where you are. And all those things.
  • You will never forget the past, but to be able to move on you need to be able to forgive the past.
  • I think that's the wrong approach. I think the key is to learn, deal, and heal from the past. If you're focus is on forgetting, you'll experience frustration every time something from the past comes to mind. This isn't healthy for you or your new relationships. Learn from the past, deal with it, so you can heal from it, and move on as an improved person.
  • Why forget? It's nice to remember the good parts of a relationship, and learn by the bad parts.:)
  • The past I believe will always be ingrained in your mind. So its impossible to completely forget. I guess what I could say is that maybe if there is something in your past that you are angry or hurt with. I would accept that it happened, that you have those feelings, and forgive. But I don't know your past to actually tell you.
  • forgetting for any matter is always easy..but still keeping up the pain of the past at the depth of the heart and moving on has a sweetness in it..especially about love even pain of love is enjoyable..
  • you don't FORGET the past,you have to pack it away there is a sying... YOU WALK YOU TRIP YOU FALL YOU GET YOURSELF UP.. AND KEEP WALKING... you make the choice to either keep moving forward and not looking back. see...when you stop and look back it stops you from moving forward. moving forward will make the past..THE PAST. it's the future that you want. it's hard but as long as you continue to live in the past ..there is no future.
  • Good question. I have been trying to let go of a relationship and it has been soooo hard, have tried to let it go, but it still stays in the forefront of my mind. I guess I loved this man very deeply. He claims he still loves me and wants to get back together one day. Can you imagine how hard it is to continue to keep away frm him? The reasons are many, but one of the most important is I do not totally trust him. Sad thing is I never caught him cheating, but he does lie and is very good at making up stories. The sad thing is I know he loves me, but my gut tells me something is not quite right. How can I continue to live that way. Yet to this day, I wonder if I am making a mistake trying to forget this relationship. It is very very hard. I have tried to meet new men, just to take my mind off him, but nothing has worked. When I go on a date, it means nothing to me and I feel nothing for the person. It is very dificult to find someone who you have great chemisty with and a great connection. I am waiting for the day I can mentally and emotionally finally leave this heartache in the past so that I can finally move forward. It has been a year already. I wish I knew an easier way, but dont. Good luck.
  • Because we have a "subconscious" mind that records everything. What we need to do is understand the effects of abuse and "reprogram" the damage. You need to use your "conscious" mind and make an effort to do this. Its there permanently, but you can change how you are effected by it. You can heal the damage with "INNER CHILD" work. There are many websites that can help you heal the inner child. Just google it. It IS possible to rebuild your self-esteem and "heal" but you have to work at it.
  • +5 sometimes the past comes and bites you in the butt when you least expect it.
  • Because some things have hurt me so bad that I will forget it. I have made some mistakes in the past that I am ashamed of and i will not forgive myself for it.
  • Interesting topic!
  • I can if I really want to. Takes a bit of mental discipline but what you don't feed dies.
  • The past stays with you forever. Tis just another memory. Some memories are hard to forget. Depending on how strong the event.
  • It's easier said than done.
  • because it is always in the back of your mind, you can forgive(some can't)and start new relationships, but their will always be memories good or bad. Sometimes it takes years to get closure no matter how man short term relationships you may have.
  • I have already because the past is history!
  • Because the past makes up who we are in the present. +5
  • Because I am a Pisces, that's why.

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