• This could be a sign of an allergic reaction to something. Do you sleep with a window open? Do have knowledge of any allergency to anything? What medication(if any) did you take before you went to sleep? Is it difficult to breath when you wake up?
  • why not?
  • You may be allergic to the feathers in your pillow.
  • Could be that your allergic to the fabric on your pillows or you could be putting something on your face that is inducing swelling. Try changing these two things and see if there is a difference. Sometimes laying on one side and having constant pressure can make one side a little swelled, but you have to have a lot of pressure or lay there for a long time. I believe it is an allergy issue.
  • Yeah, I have the same problem and I have no idea what's causing it or what to do about it. It's really frustrating. I used to just have a little bit of swelling that went away about 10-15 minutes after I woke up but lately it's gotten worse and takes a couple of hours to go away. I've been to several doctors and none of them seem to know what to do. It's not life-threatening or anything but I hate having a puffy face; it looks awful. I know it's not allergies because I've had allergy tests. I think it's just that, for whatever reason, some people's bodies don't drain fluids properly. I'm not sure why they just collect in the face and not in the rest of your body though. You could try getting a blood test to see if you have a thyroid condition. That's the only thing I can think of. Let me know if you find anything.
  • I wake up sore and stiff all over, swollen hands, face etc. I am just so stiff and sore !!!! And have a hard time moving around. my neck is stiff and my feet feel sore and stiff. This is NOT the joints ! It's the muslces and connective tissue. Bottom of my feet is very sore. The biggest two words are soreness and stiffness like through and through from head to feet.I am a very active 65 year old woman and I've had DX of Fibromylagia long time ago an dnever feel rested. It just seems to get worse and early mornings are the pits.I am wandering if I have somethign else going on. Naprosyn makes me swell all over. A lot of meds I can't take. I wander about RA of the muscles that would fit. Anyone have these symptoms? I take Ambien at night. Butterfly
  • Stop sleeping in the bee hive.
  • i'm 23 years old. i wake up every morning with a swollen face. its been doing this since i was 16 years old. i too am looking for the answer. its my face and fingers. i know this cuz every morning i cant get my rings off. on further inspection of my face being puffy, i notice that my lips swell up, my tounge seems fatter too, my puffy eyelids will swell down to my eyes. i also noticed that it is worse on days when i had been drinking alcohol the night before, so i know this attributes to the problem but is not the main cause. i also suffer from a wheat and glutten intollerance which means i am allergic to all food and beverage products that contain wheat and glutten (which is pretty much in almost everything). alcohol contains theese ingreedients. so do most of all the foods i eat. it's really hard to avoid...(just look at the ingreedient list of all the foods you buy) It's offically called celiac disease when you have food allergies to wheat and glutten. other sites can give you a full list of ingreedients not to ingest into your body. i want to say that because i eat these things regardless of my allergy to them, this may be why i am puffy every morning! being puffy every morning may be the main symptom to having celiac disease. i am not for certain tho, i would like a specialists/doctors oppinion on this matter after reading this entry. A PROFFESSIONAL OPPINION ON THIS MATTER WOULD BE WELL APPRICIATED!!! to ff in training, i hope this helps you in any way.
  • Same thing happens to m. Swollen face, puffy eyes, sore muscles and stiff joints. Its not every morning. Once in awhile it doesn't happen, but lately its been about 80% of the time. I cannot figure out why, neither can my doctors. Im 50, diabetic on insulin. I thought it was related to my blood sugars, or some particular food I ate, but so far I can't find anything. Some days my eyes are so swollen, my vision is distorted. I remember this happening in my 30's to a very very slight degree, enough that I could ignore it, but now its absolutely awful. A hot shower will alleviate the problem about 50%, but doesn't get rid of it. I am on a diruetic, but it doesn't seem to make a difference, either. It really sucks. I've been allergy tested, including for feathers, dust, and a variety of foods....nothing of any significance.
  • Has anyone looked into the envoiroment thier living in? I have had the exact same symptoms and I now know I've been living w/a mold problem in my home. I too was dx w/fibromyalgia which we all know is the dx of exclusion. My eyes today are the worse, my hand is also swollen and my body aches all over like a flu. I am moving fortuantely I'm a renter and can do that. But I suggest people look at what thier breathing in at nite.
  • I have the same problem with my face and it happen to me 2 times three days ago, I have no idea what caused it but all I know is that I slept in my little brothers bed so I'm going to take it apart and maybe check for some weird animals or insects that could be living in his bed mmm! you never know right! maybe is time to change the matres! What if they are so small that I can not even see with my eyes so I'm bringing in a microscope I will let you know whatss up!
  • I have the exact same symptoms and just found out I have Celiac's Disease. Take a look at the symptoms, you will be amazed.
  • Yes me to . It's been happening for about 9 months. Most of the swelling is round my eyes but sometimes down my face. Starts to go down as soon as as I get up but takes about 48 hours to go completely
  • this has been happening to me too! it just started like 2 weeks ago with a slight stuffy nose and dry cough. I took medicine which still left me with the cough. A week later i noticed that the lower portion of my neck was swelling up and felt sore if i put pressure on it. A week after that i noticed some swelling just under my chin.That weekend i went to Florida and the sweeling was out of control. Causing my face to look twice the size. And swelling didnt go away. i am sitting here now with a puffy face. Everyone says allergies but i looked online and it could be several things such as strep/mono/hypothyroid.... or really just allergies... I am in the midst of taking different meds and having my blood tested because the swelling has not gone away... I would suggest seeing a doctor as i am. I hope it goes away :(
  • I ahve been suffering this from the past two weeks. Almost every morning(Say 5 out of 7 daYS a week), i have been waking up with swollen forehead, swollen eyebrow, swollen upper eyelids and sometimes my eyes goes inside my face as if somebody has pushed it inside. The sweeling is like a gaggy bag and it always effects the right side of my face. I have a very peculiar HEAT allergetic skin during the winter (cannot stand in the sun; sudden excitement leads to waves of heat inside my body; no probs until i scratch but if i do it swell up in small dots and disappers within mins)say for two months in a year. now as the sunny days are coming by the skin irritataion is gone but this new thing is cltching me up. My grandfather used to have the sameproblem. he used to wake up with a lump on his right face. he used to pressurize it and it use to go away in an hour or four. There is no pain in the sweliing part. It just comes every morning and it goes away by afternoon. No itch , no pain . I sleep takin turn on my left eye, but how does my right side gets swollen?????? I have changed my pillow, my matress and now I sleep closing my window as well, but ALL IN VAIN !!!!!! What is happening to ME??? Can someone explain...........
  • I just wonder how many of you all drink alcohol?

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