• I like relatively short nails, or just enough so that it covers the end of your fingers if you look down at them.
  • Short nails are cool.
  • I like well kept nails.. could be long or short.. just clean and pretty and not too long like Eagle Claws...
  • Short. I hate the way long nails look, they get in the way, and you're screwed when one breaks off (which they like to do).
  • Not too short, but I don't like women with long nails either.
  • I happen to be a long nails lover BUT, will will answer as to why they are attractive to me and Many others, but not to all. I'll do this because it'll help many also shed some light over why the hell that obsession. How common are long nails on men ? you probably know the 'common' answer already. Should you see a photo of a hand alone not knowing its person's gender with long nails, what would your Brain think at first glance ? you probably know that too. Long nails, if and when worn/naturally grown, belong to women. At least this is the 'common' perception. I'd' get the chills to see a man with long nails. Yes very few of you will start saying, "oh but why this and that, not true, not always true and so on..." So regardless of those 'few ones' that I know like contradictions to the 'normal' if intended and 'common'. In our society perhaps just modern more than the older one, not sure here, Women are inclined to enhance their looks by 'working' with a number of things. 'Shoes', 'Nails', 'Eye brows', 'Make up', and in general whatever they 'keep up' it's a common feminine thing to work the details of what's commonly considered perfect and 'beauty'. Yes all this long description, NOT to say that you have to like or dislike long nails, just a generic answer as to why many men like or prefer or don't mind at all a girl with long/er nails. It represents femininity, as opposed to masculinity. If nails are short and or not taken care of, I'd imagine it on men, not saying it's right or wrong, but it's more common to see this at least and our Brains learn from what's common and the surroundings. Many guys like long nails, but not all for the same reasons, I happen to have a sexual fetish that makes me like ONLY women with long/er nails that are 'perfect' looking, all even, all straight or curvy but aesthetically nice looking, in any case many others who like long nails (and it also comes to how long and curvature/color/tip shape), like them for different fetish reasons for instance, scratching or vampire/sexy stuff and so forth. Done.
  • Meh, doesn't matter to me. As long as she can scratch my head. I'm a lot like a dog. Loyal and likes to have his head scratched. =P
  • Long nails sliding down my back is acceptable :)
  • No talons please:)
  • I am not a fan of long nails.
  • I love women with long nails, can't stand them short.
  • Yeah, I'm not a guy. But I hate really long nails.
  • I think that overly long nail are not attractive. How do you function in life with 4-5 inch nails?
  • depends on how long, too long can get kinda weird.
  • Slightly more than trimmed.
  • In between
  • for me the sweet spot is about a 1/4inch out from the finger
  • I like women with longer nails that way I'm bleeding when we're done.
  • yes long nails are great for back tickles. and you know how much I enjoy my back to be tickled now dont you? :)
  • i prefer them, mmm, how can i yours:-)
  • Nails on women have never done anything for me. Cut 'em off.
  • i think as long as they are clean, all one length, and not a rancid're alright...
  • second option!
  • Does it really matter what a man thinks about it?
  • The type of work that I do I need my nails shorter....when I see women with long nails either real or fake I wonder how they get anything I am not hurting my partner in bed....LOL...
  • I guess you can say I'm an average 28 year old man living in jersey and I have to say that I definately prefer long over short. I don't know what is it is about a woman with long nails but it is just so hot!!! I've always been a attracted to women with long nails and I always will. These girls make guys like me weak in the knees and don't even know it. Please ladies, kick this short nail trend that's been going around and keep your nails long!!
  • Most men prefer short nails on a woman. Because with long nails on a woman, they can use this as a weapon against men. Women with long needle-sharp nails are dominant to men in a physical way. They know they have the power to inflict pain to them by scrtching their face and body on a simple argument. This is why men are so scared of women with long sharp nails that they prefer them to have shorter nails instead.
  • I love long nails on women, they are very sexy if well kept.. 1/4"to 1/2". They feel really good when scratching if not too hard. But if they loose control and grip, dig and rake them deeply into your flesh during the heat of passion it can be excruciatingly painful.
  • Depends on what mallet you're planning to use to hammer them in later on
  • My wife has long but not ugly long nails and paints them a different colour every other week. I love them bright red big turn on for me in the bedroom. I think it does make the woman look more feministic. Plus i have had a thing for them since i was about 8 years old, strange fetish but i have it...

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