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Men are usually asymptomatic, but if a man has symptoms, they can include: * Unusual penile discharge * Painful urination * Burning sensation after ejaculation * Tingling inside the penis. He may be asymptomatic and unless they did a swap from the urethra they did not get a good sample from him. How soon after exposure to trichomoniasis will symptoms appear? If symptoms appear, it usually takes from 3 to 28 days for them to develop. How is it diagnosed? A medical provider will take a swab of fluid from a male's urethra or from a female's vagina and will examine it under a microscope to see if trichomoniasis is present.
When you say you have no other sexual partners, does that mean EVER as in hes your first?? If not, its possible its been dormant for years... But if he is your only one... then there is a SLIGHT possibility that he does, and that its just not been spotted because it IS harder spot in men than woman. Also, if you mum had it, she could have passed it on to you!
Same thing happened to me, they tested him thru urine. But now he believes his test was correct. But there is no way.
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