Tell her to get out of my bathroom and put some clothes on :)
Throw her out! yeah, right!
Kill my boyfriend? That would be the only explanation.
Use it as an opportunity to dress her properly.
Ponder the situation then read the opening monologue of Richard III while covering her in sea salt and mashed blueberries.
An entire city? In my bathroom? Naked? How would I open the door?
Be Embarresed? See her naked?
Find her some clothes then demand that she either explains why (and how?) she is in our house or leaves immediately.
Kick her out!!!!
Get her dressed and ask her to leave. I find nothing appealing about Paris Hilton.
Take some pics
Stand her over the shower drain, run some water and watch her slide down with room to spare;)
Dude she's ugly. Yuck. I ain't tapping that.
Hand her a towel, an old one, and show her the door. Being "overexposed" does not seem to bother her anyway.
I'd look for her little gem encrusted pink cell phone and anonymously call 911 to get her stomach pumped cuz that uptight pretentious little stuck-up C**T would gave only have wound up there accidentally having gotten too wasted. then high tail it out of there. Once that was underway find out how much I could make out of an exclusive from the Enquirer or any of those other rags. And perhaps put the cell phone on Ebay.
kick her out, donate her clothes to a charity shop
Flush!! And wave goodbye.
Force her down on her knees and...make her scrub my floors with a toothbrush :P
Tell her to get dress quickly.
Screan in shock, take a picture and sell it to peparatzi, call police, have nightmares...
Feed her
....pass the soap?
Throw her out. Who names their kid after a hotel in France anyway yo...
Point and laugh.
Change my locks.
call the police and have her charged with breaking and entering, or maybe take a photo and sell it to the tabloids.
Try to get her into rehab until she wasn't crazy any more.
Tell her to clean it while she was there
Sanitize my bathroom after kicking her out.
...Nothing...I just wanna see what size boobies she has lol just kidding! I'd call 911 and get her out!
Tell her to get the hell out.
risk leads to greatness in other words...
I would give her a pearl necklace.
call the press and the police
"Accidentally" slip and fall, then blame her in a lawsuit.
charge for rides. $.25 a ride. LOL
call the police.
scream eew and run out. not sure
Take photo's and blackmail her
Have her clean my bathroom while I look for the number for hazmat. When hazmat arrives, have them remove her.
flush twice
Ask her to excuse me for a moment, get my camera, take some pix to sell to the tabloids, and kick her out... With or without her clothes, I don't know at this point. I'm sure my 3 black labs bitches and rat-terrier would chase her all the way out... Of course, she wouldn't know that the barking labs only wanted to jump up and lick her (call them "black lickers (liquors - get it?), and the little barking dog's the one to worry about! (Never bit anyone, but he's got the personality at times!) LOL
sell her on e-bay.
... fill my camera's memory card with pictures of her while she was nude, at least a few with both her and I ... (sell later) ... and talk to her about her hiring me to be her personal trainer / security / guard
Go find my son and give him a thumbs up!
I would probably call 911 or blow up my house.
Disinfect it
Get her drunk, ask her if I can "borrow" 10,000 dollars, and then leave.
scream and/or push her out the window and get it on tape and send it in to E!
Ask her how much longer it was going to be, before I got my Thrown back.......LOL...........When a guys got to go, hes got to go.................M.C.S.
Call animal control.
She's so skinny, it would be like looking at a speck of dust.
I think...well...I think I'd do her.
I think i would be very tempted to hold her head under the water until she stopped struggling
Go get her something to eat.
Give her a ham & cheese sandwich...she needs to eat!
Shot her, She is far too annoying to live in this planet, And her petty attempts to take over the 'world' are irratating
Wrap a towel around her, find some clothes for her and give her a map of Singapore and push her out of my house.
take pictures and sell them for money
id wreck that chick.
Fumigate the bathroom.
call the cops and then totally fumigate my freaking bathroom i don`t want diseases!
just breathe really hard she is such a dam stick she would just blow out of my bathrooms second story window and onto the wonderful pavement :)
call the police and tell them an intruder was in my house.
Take some snap shots and bribe her.....
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