• cam belt?
  • A flashing "Check engine" light means that the engine is experiencing a 'misfire' (misfire = one or more cylinders are not firing correctly). The source of the misfire can be a variety of things, ranging from bad gasoline in the tank to a failed engine control computer. An ignition system failure is the most likely culprit. You could have bad spark plug wires (was it humid/raining when this happened?) or a failing coil pack. You could try taking it to your local auto parts store (e.g. Autozone). Many of them will attach a code scanner to your car and read out the diagnostic codes for you. That won't tell you exactly what is wrong but it might give you more clues about the correct area to look. Good luck.
  • This is EXACTLY what happened to me on my 1999 Toyota Corolla VE. Basically, what happened is that when I hit a big mud puddle this morning, I hydroplaned, and apparantly water got up near the coil pack, according to my mechanic. However, it shorted out a wire, so my car was running on just 3 cylinders (thus the jumpy, hesitant action on my car). My mechanic said fortunately, the problem was NOT the coil pack (although coil pack problems produce the same jumpy hesitant action, and to fix such, it's VERY EXPENSIVE). He changed the cables, plugs, etc....basically gave it a really nice tune-up, and it fixed the problem. Hope this help! :)

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