• Well, considering they have the most people (or does India have more yet?), I wouldn't be surprised.
  • indifferent.
  • Low quality trinkets would be even more popular. It would suck...
  • I would feel like the US is filled with a bunch of uneducated underachievers.
  • China would only become a world power when poverty becomes a nonexistent or minor issue, which probably wouldn't happen too soon. But if China did become number one, I'd feel sorry for them - it'd only be a matter of time before other countries attack & try to take over again. (For those who don't know, China was pretty much "bullied" by the US, UK, France & Germany and the Chinese forced to sign contracts letting those countries take parts of Chinese land - HK is a well-known example)
  • Totally unsurprised. Since they have 1/5 of the world's population, it has taken some spectacular mismanagement for them not to be the world's number one for the past fifty years. They soon will be, and so what? It doesn't make me any poorer when they get richer.
  • No different than I feel now. I suppose it could impact me. But I like simply and it's out of my control so why worry about it.
  • China has learned from the worlds mistakes. Now it is time we learn from them. They are great at business, supporting it's people, and caring for their families. It is time we all look with open arms at a country that can care for 1.3billion people. They want the best for their kids, Home and car like everyone else. Food in the home, Mom and Dad taken care of when they get old. I have no blame for them, when I look at most westerners past history. They are working hard to correct problems and create good lives for it's people. If you want to know I am an American ESL teacher in China for 3 years now. I have great respect for China, it's people and it's leaders. They have showed me they care and work hard to become a more modern place. If only we cared for our people when disaster happens as they do.The respect for America has fallen due to lack of interest from our leaders. We need a change of thinking and change the thinking of our leaders that only think how to get richer.
  • China is in trouble if it becomes numero uno. It is already in trouble. It is producing millions of products to export and there is no quality control standards. they will rise and they will fall heavily.

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