i would like to know, i had a neighbor kill herself and i wish i had known so they couldve saved her life but i didnt find out till after she died. i probably wouldnt tell her, it nnight freak her out
I built the place, so they would have had to have been very sneaky to pull that one off. :P
I'd only care if someone showed up dead while I was still living there. Other than that? Don't care.
Had a cat crawl up under my tub and die, sure was stank. I had to rip out the tub and part of the floor. No one has died here...yet.
I did live in a flat where the previous tenant had died, the landlord didn't tell me, a neighbour did. It was natural causes and it didn't bother me, I'm a pretty logical person & I realise we all go eventually but I might feel differently if there was something weird like the last three occupants had mysteriously been found dead in the same circumstances & police had nothing to go on. In the sad case of someone taking their own life I don't think it would stop me moving in if there was no link between the property and the death.
People have died almost everywhere, so there is no point to even ponder it at all. Even in a new house, someone died in the field it was in before the house was even built. I'd leave your neighbor alone about it after accepting that.
If you are thinking about an earthbound spirit, your neighbor will know soon enough....and just because someone died in that unit does not automatically means a ghost. Considering how many have died throughout the ages, and how few ghosts there are, it ain't that commonplace.
no I don't want to know. but as long as there's no smell, I'm good. BTW, if you do tell them, they might ask for a discount on the rent. this divulgence could backfire on you.
Linda Joy
I don't own the apartment complex. I just rent here.
Did you say you heard them commit suicide? Did I read that right?
Linda Joy
Yes. I didn't think anything of it, just heard furniture being moved overhead. Didn't realize what happened till the daughter came home and found her and screamed "no momma, no!" And later outside I heard her grandson say "But I loved my grandma!" I didn't know them because I hadn't been here long. But it made me think of my grandson. -
Oh wow, that mustβve been really sad for you to hear the family. I imagine someone would have to be pretty bad off to do that in a way that allows your child to be the one to find you
No I wouldn't but still a sad thought... :I
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